By Shigeru Sato, Sachiko Sakamaki, and Tsuyoshi Inajima13 Jun 2011 Makoto Tonami starts his workday by slipping on a white surgical face mask and then drives around with a borrowed Geiger counter, taking radiation readings. Three months ago, he was sorting garbage claims in Minami Soma, a city north of the Fukushima nuclear plant. “It’s […]
By FishOutofWater, for Japan Nuclear Incident Liveblogs16 June 2011 […] A map of citizen-measured radiation levels shows radioactivity is distributed in a complex pattern reflecting the mountainous terrain and the shifting winds across a broad area of Japan north of Tokyo, which is in the center of the of bottom of the map. Radiation limits […]
By Hideyuki Sano18 June 2011 TOKYO (Reuters) – A rise in radiation halted the clean-up of radioactive water at Japan’s Fukushimi nuclear power station on Saturday hours after it got under way, a fresh setback to efforts to restore control over the quake-stricken plant. The power plant has been leaking radiation into the atmosphere ever […]
By arevamirpal::laprimavera17 June 2011 More on the news that TEPCO halted the system due to higher than expected radiation level in the cesium absorption subsystem by Kurion: The radiation limit of 4 millisieverts/hour was reached in 5 hours, instead of one month as anticipated. New information from Jiji News Japanese (12:47PM JST 6/18/2011): The radiation […]
By Nancy Gaarder, WORLD-HERALD STAFF WRITER17 June 2011 FORT CALHOUN, Neb. — Despite the stunning sight of the Fort Calhoun nuclear reactor surrounded by water and the weeks of flooding that lie ahead, the plant is in a safe cold shutdown and can remain so indefinitely, the reactor’s owners and federal regulators say. “We think […]
Posted By Steve LeVine 15 June 2011 Two decades ago at this time, the Soviet Union was well into a startling disintegration energized by widely dispersed public dissatisfaction to which central authorities could no longer satisfactorily respond. Today, one is made rapt by a broad outbreak of public protests in China, among them, compiled in […]
By Doyle Rice, USA TODAY16 Jun 2011 The so-called dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico — a region of oxygen-depleted water off the Louisiana and Texas coasts that is harmful to sea life — is predicted to be the largest ever recorded when it develops later this summer, scientists report. The unusually large size […]
By HIROKO TABUCHI8 June 2011 IWAKI-YUMOTO, Japan — Just after 6 a.m. in this still sleepy hot spring town, bleary-eyed workers emerged from their inns, ready to board buses to return to their daily battle to contain the crisis at the stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Some men are local technicians who have worked […]
June 15 (NHK) – Tokyo Electric Power Company has released video footage taken last week of Number 3 reactor at its crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. The video shows workers wearing protective suits enter the building through a cargo entrance. The roof of the facility was missing with the sky in view because of […]
By arevamirpal::laprimavera15 June 2011 Once a malicious “baseless rumor” on the net, now it is written up in a regional newspaper with readership in Tokyo and Kanto area. Tokyo Shinbun (paper edition only, 6/16/2011) reports that many children in Koriyama City in Fukushima Prefecture, 50 kilometers from Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant, are suffering inexplicable […]