By Margaret Cronin Fisk and Laurel Brubaker Calkins20 September 2011 BP Plc (BP) said it didn’t hide information about a possibly dangerous condition in the Macondo oil well before or after it blew out in April 2010, killing 11 people and triggering the biggest U.S. offshore oil spill. BP personnel determined that a sand layer […]
By Bill Cato, Special to The Birmingham News 18 September 2011 […] We punched a hole in the Earth, and poison gushed from it. The fine folks at BP droned on about caps, junk shots and relief wells. They told us they were responsible and they would fix this problem. They bought full-page advertisements in […]
PAOLA, Kansas (Reuters) – Farmer Mark Nelson bends down and yanks a four-foot-tall weed from his northeast Kansas soybean field. The “waterhemp” towers above his beans, sucking up the soil moisture and nutrients his beans need to grow well and reducing the ultimate yield. As he crumples the flowering end of the weed in his […]
By Niamh Anderson18 September 2011 FOR at least three decades they have made the waters off the west of Scotland their own, delighting visitors and residents alike. But now it seems the country’s only resident pod of killer whales is doomed to extinction and pollution could be to blame. The nine whales have failed to […]
[Desdemona weighed in on this sort of geoengineering scheme a few years ago: So the leaders of men conceived of their most desperate strategy yet.] By Steve Connor, Science Editor14 September 2011 A disused airfield in Norfolk will become the focus of a controversial scientific experiment to see whether it is feasible to engineer the […]
WASHINGTON, D.C., September 14 (AP) — A key federal report into what caused the worst offshore oil spill in U.S. history was being readied for release as early as today amid revelations that BP made critical mistakes on the well and failed to tell its partners and the U.S. government when it realized it. An […]
By arevamirpal::laprimavera9 September 2011 So says the government corporation Japan Atomic Energy Agency, 5 months after the leak of highly contaminated water was first discovered (in April) at the water intake for Reactor 2 at Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant. So, instead of 4,700 terabecquerels of radioactive iodine and cesium as TEPCO announced back in […]
By Karimeh Moukaddem, www.mongabay.com9 September 2011 In Agbogbloshie, a slum outside the capital city of Accra, Ghana, tons of electronic waste lies smoldering in toxic piles. Children make their way through this dangerous environment, desperate to strip even a few ounces of copper, aluminum, brass, and zinc from worn-out electronics originating from the United States […]
Bodo, Nigeria, August 16 (AFP) – The air smells like poison, the creek water carpeted with crude, and the boat operator covers his nose as he steps on a jetty in a region hit by what may be the world’s worst oil contamination. “We have been living with this mess for years,” says 31-year-old Friday […]
Movie of the Fukushima-Daichii activity in the air (cesium-137, ground level). The simulation was performed with a specific version of the numerical atmospheric chemistry and transport model Polyphemus/Polair3D. The parametrisations used for the transport and physical removal of the radionuclides are described in [1,2,3,4]. The magnitude of activity concentration field is uncertain and could be […]