More dead dolphins found on Mississippi coast

GULFPORT, Mississippi, November 28 (AP) – Two more dead dolphins have washed ashore in Mississippi, but scientists hope an ailing dolphin found in neighboring Alabama will provide answers about what is killing the marine mammals in the Gulf of Mexico. Mobi Solangi, director of the Institute for Marine Mammal Studies, said the two dead dolphins […]

TEPCO: Radioactive contamination belongs to landowners, not us

By TOMOHIRO IWATA, Asahi Shimbun Weekly AERA24 November 2011 During court proceedings concerning a radioactive golf course, Tokyo Electric Power Co. stunned lawyers by saying the utility was not responsible for decontamination because it no longer “owned” the radioactive substances. “Radioactive materials (such as cesium) that scattered and fell from the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear […]

Thailand’s surreal industrial park: crocodiles but no chips

By Ploy Ten Kate, with additional reporting by Pisit Changplayngam, Jutarat Skulpichetrat in BANGKOK, and Iktae Park in SEOUL; Editing by Alan Raybould and Miyoung Kim AYUTTHAYA, Thailand, November 24 (Reuters) – Knee-deep in foul-smelling water, workers are piling office equipment, documents and food onto fibre boats that ferry them from one building on Hana […]

Bulgaria choking on hazardous air ‘due to the massive use of coal for heating’

Sofia, November 23 (AFP) – Air quality in Bulgaria has deteriorated sharply over the past week with dust pollution up to five times over the norm, posing a grave health risk, the environment ministry said Wednesday. “The norms for pollution with fine dust particles have been surpassed since November 15,” Valery Serafimov, an air pollution […]

New Zealand crews pump all oil from stranded ship – Clean-up to take months

WELLINGTON, New Zealand, November 13 (AP) – Salvage crews have successfully removed all the remaining oil from a cargo ship that ran aground on a New Zealand reef, avoiding a worse environmental disaster. The vessel Rena grounded on the Astrolabe reef near Tauranga on Oct. 5 and authorities feared the worst as about 385 tons […]

Winter brings more misery to millions of Pakistan flood victims

[It’s amazing that for all the bloviating on Pakistan during the parade of belligerent ignorance at this week’s Republican national security “debate”,  the catastrophic flooding of 2010 and 2011 wasn’t mentioned once.] ISLAMABAD – More than two months after the August floods hit the southern Pakistan, millions of affected people are still at great risk […]

Photo gallery: Journalists tour the wreckage of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant

November 12 – About three dozen journalists sat on two buses. They wore protective suits, double gloves, double layers of clear plastic booties over shoes, hair covers, respirator masks, and carried radiation detectors. As they drove to the Fukushima plant, they passed through a police checkpoint, and saw three towns – Naraha, Tomioka, Okuma – […]

Inside the twisted remains of Fukushima nuclear plant

Based on a pooled dispatch from Martin Fackler of the New York Times13 November 2011 About three dozen journalists sat on two buses. We wore protective suits, double gloves, double layers of clear plastic booties over shoes, hair covers, respirator masks, and carried radiation detectors. As we drove to the Fukushima plant, we passed through […]

Oceanographer: Debris from Japan due in Washington State any day now

By Michelle Esteban 11 November 2011 SEATTLE – Debris the size of California is headed for the U.S. coast. The materials were swept out to sea after a massive earthquake and a tsunami hit Japan last March. A local oceanographer says while the bulk of the debris will take several years to arrive, items that […]

‘Completely and utterly fail in an earthquake’: The Fukushima story you didn’t hear on CNN

By Greg PalastNovember 10, 2011 I’ve seen a lot of sick stuff in my career, but this was sick on a new level. Here was the handwritten log kept by a senior engineer at the nuclear power plant: Wiesel was very upset. He seemed very nervous. Very agitated. … In fact, the plant was riddled […]

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