Reactive nitrogen has polluted remote wilderness since the end of the 19th century

Contact: Sofia Holmgren, Department of Earth and Ecosystem Sciences, Lund UniversityTel. +46 709 289778,  16 December 2011 Nitrogen from human activity has been polluting lakes in the northern hemisphere since the late 19th century. The clear signs of industrialisation can be found even in very remote lakes, thousands of kilometres from the nearest city. […]

Japan’s PM Noda declares a cold shutdown ‘state’ and the end of nuclear accident

  By arevamirpal::laprimavera16 December 2011 Declaring a cold shutdown, even with “state”, is a joke, but Noda went further and declared the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant accident to be over. Why did he do that? Asahi Shinbun (12/16/2011) reports that: 「事故の収束」という、より強い表現に置き換えることで、風評被害など国内外に根強い原発事故への不安を払拭(ふっしょく)したいという狙いがある。政権は今後、放射性物質の除染を進めていく方針。避難区域の縮小も行い、住民の帰還へとつなげたい考えだ。 By using the word “the accident is over”, the government wants to dispel […]

First debris from Japan tsunami reaches Olympic Peninsula

By Arwyn Rice, Peninsula Daily News14 December 2011 PORT ANGELES – The first piece of debris that could be identified as washing up on the West Coast from the March 11 tsunami in Japan — a large black float — was found on a Neah Bay beach two weeks ago, Seattle oceanographers Curtis Ebbesmeyer and […]

Japanese engineer: ‘There was a nuclear explosion in Reactor 3 in addition to a hydrogen explosion’

By arevamirpal::laprimavera 12 December 2011 There are foreign nuclear experts who have said the explosion in Reactor 3 on March 14 at Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant was a nuclear explosion. But this Japanese engineer and whistleblower at JNES (Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization) Setsuo Fujiwara says there were two explosions at Reactor 3: a […]

Possible to save Fukushima Prefecture, but ‘evacuated residents must accept that it won’t happen in their lifetimes’

By MARTIN FACKLER6 December 2011 FUTABA, Japan – Futaba is a modern-day ghost town — not a boomtown gone bust, not even entirely a victim of the devastating earthquake and tsunami that leveled other parts of Japan’s northeast coast. Its traditional wooden homes have begun to sag and collapse since they were abandoned in March […]

BP says Halliburton destroyed Gulf oil spill evidence

By Jonathan Stempel in New York; Editing by Gary Hill5 December 2011 (Reuters) – BP Plc accused Halliburton Co of destroying evidence that the oilfield services company did inadequate cement work on the Gulf of Mexico oil well that blew out last year, and asked a federal judge to punish Halliburton. The accusation, in a […]

At least 45 tons of highly radioactive water leaks to ocean from Fukushima purification facility

By HIROKO TABUCHI and MARTIN FACKLER4 December 2011 TOKYO — At least 45 tons of highly radioactive water have leaked from a purification facility at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station, and some of it may have reached the Pacific Ocean, the plant’s operator said Sunday. Nearly nine months after Fukushima Daiichi was ravaged by […]

Fukushima nuclear reactor: TEPCO and NHK obfuscate meltdown penetration into concrete foundation

By arevamirpal::laprimavera 30 November 2011 In the first post on the subject, I translated what NHK reported: 東京電力福島第一原子力発電所の事故で、メルトダウンが起きた1号機の燃料は、鋼鉄の原子炉の底を突き破って相当の量が格納容器に落下し、容器の底のコンクリートを溶かして最大で65センチ浸食していると推定されることが、東京電力の解析結果から分かりました。 It has been discovered by TEPCO’s analysis that the significant amount of Reactor 1’s melted fuel pierced through the steel Reactor Pressure Vessel and dropped onto the Containment Vessel, then melted the concrete at the bottom of […]

Chernobyl nuclear disaster zone deemed too hot for tourists

By Jayne Clark, USA TODAY30 November 2011 A Ukrainian court has banned tourists from the site of the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear plant meltdown less than a year after government officials declared the region safe and opened it for tours. Officials had said the 18-mile “dead zone” around the site of history’s worst nuclear accident was […]

BP oil spill: The oil is still here – Take a look

By Jonathan Henderson9 November 2011 This week, the United States Coast Guard concluded that BP can wind down its efforts to clean oil still marring the shores of the Gulf coast, unless officials can prove that the oil is BP’s. For more on this decision and what it means for cleanup efforts, take a look […]

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