Graph of the Day: Total Annual Area Occupied by Overwintering Monarch Butterflies, 1994-2011

The total annual area occupied by overwintering monarch butterflies from 1994 through 2011 has declined significantly, with the all-time smallest area reported during the 2009–10 overwintering season. The dashed line shows the 17-year average (7.24 ha). Both linear (upper) and exponential (lower) regression lines are included. Abstract: During the 2009–2010 overwintering season and following a 15-year […]

Very high radiation, little cooling water in Japan reactor

By MARI YAMAGUCHI, Associated Press28 March 2012 TOKYO (AP) – One of Japan’s crippled nuclear reactors still has fatally high radiation levels and much less water to cool it than officials had estimated, according to an internal examination that renews doubts about the plant’s stability. A tool equipped with a tiny video camera, a thermometer, […]

Oil spill cleanup workers sought for long-term health study

By Guy Busby, Press-Register27 March 2012 GULF SHORES, Alabama — State and federal health officials are asking anyone who worked on the BP oil spill cleanup to sign up for what has become the biggest study of its kind. More than 16,000 people, including beach cleanup crews, Vessels of Opportunity operators, support personnel and others […]

Fukushima Prefecture deleted 5 days of radiation dispersion data just after meltdowns

22 March 2012 (Mainichi) – The Fukushima Prefectural Government revealed on March 21 that it deleted five days of early radiation dispersion data almost entirely unread in the wake of the meltdowns at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant. The data from the System for Prediction of Environmental Emergency Dose Information (SPEEDI) — intended to […]

Graph of the Day: Premature Deaths from Ground-level Ozone, Projected to 2050

Urban air pollution is set to become the top environmental cause of mortality worldwide by 2050, ahead of dirty water and lack of sanitation. The number of premature deaths from exposure to particulate air pollutants leading to respiratory failure could double from current levels to 3.6 million every year globally, with most occurring in China […]

Gulf dolphins exposed to BP oil spill are seriously ill: NOAA

By LESLIE KAUFMAN23 March 2012 Dolphins in Barataria Bay off Louisiana, which was hit hard by the BP oil spill in 2010, are seriously ill, and their ailments are probably related to toxic substances in the petroleum, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration suggested on Friday. As part of an ongoing assessment of damages caused […]

Radioactive cesium levels rise sharply in Fukushima, according to citizen watchdog

By Charlie Smith 19 March 2012 A Japanese citizen watchdog has reported that cesium-137 levels rose more than five times in Fukushima over a 24-hour period between March 15 and 16. The online Fukushima Diary pointed out that there were no megabecquerels per square kilometre of cesium-137 detected between March 8 and March 11. But […]

Climate change could reduce economic value of oceans by $2 trillion per year

21 March 2012 (SEI) – A global, integrated approach is urgently needed to protect the oceans from converging threats. A new study coordinated by SEI shows climate change alone could reduce the economic value of key ocean services by up to 2 trillion USD a year by 2100, and urges world leaders to make the […]

Graph of the Day: Gamma Radiation Air-reading in Tokyo, 1 March 2011 – 20 March 2012

グレイは放射線が物質に当たった時のエネルギー量を表し、大気中の放射線量1グレイは1シーベルトに換算できます。 【参考】健康安全研究センターで平常時に観測されていた測定値:1時間あたり0.028~0.079マイクロシーベルト(平均値は概ね、0.035マイクロシーベルト/時)で推移<上記の緑色の帯の範囲>。 Machine translation: Grey represents the amount of energy when radiation hits the material, you can convert the atmospheric radiation 1 gray dose of 1 sievert. [Wikipedia: The gray (symbol: Gy) is the SI derived unit of absorbed radiation dose of ionizing radiation (for example, X-rays), and is defined as the absorption of one […]

Study ties GMO corn, soybeans to monarch butterfly decline

By JOSEPHINE MARCOTTY, Star Tribune 16 March 2012 Genetically engineered corn and soybeans make it easy for farmers to eradicate weeds, including the long-lived and unruly milkweed. But they might be putting the monarch butterfly in peril. The rapid spread of herbicide-resistant crops has coincided with — and may explain — the dramatic decline in […]

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