100,000 endangered species condoms to be given away for Earth Day

Contact: Amy Harwood, (520) 260-717219 April 2012 Condoms Highlighting Human Overpopulation to Be Given Away in All 50 States, 80 College Campuses TUCSON, Arizona – The Center for Biological Diversity is marking Earth Day this Sunday by giving away 100,000 free Endangered Species Condoms around the country. The condoms arrived this week in the mailboxes […]

Gulf of Mexico seafood deformities alarm scientists

By Dahr Jamail 19 April 2012 NEW ORLEANS (IPS/Al Jazeera) – “The fishermen have never seen anything like this,” Jim Cowan told Al Jazeera. “And in my 20 years working on red snapper, looking at somewhere between 20,000 and 30,000 fish, I’ve never seen anything like this either.” Cowan, with Louisiana State University’s Department of […]

How corporations corrupt science at the public’s expense

16 February 2012 (UCS) – Federal decision makers need access to the best available science in order to craft policies that protect our health, safety, and environment. Unfortunately, censorship of scientists and the manipulation, distortion, and suppression of scientific information have threatened federal science in recent years. This problem has sparked much debate, but few […]

Farmers must spend more on herbicides as effectiveness fades – ‘We’re going backward 15 years’

By Kevin Pieper, USA TODAY18 April 2012 A much-used herbicide, which for years has helped farmers throughout the United States increase profits, is losing its effectiveness and forcing producers to spend more and use more chemicals to control the weeds that threaten yields. “I’ve gone from budgeting $45 an acre just two years ago to […]

Video: Huge tire fire causes Kuwait ‘environmental catastrophe’

KUWAIT CITY: Hundreds of Kuwaiti firemen on Tuesday fought to contain a massive fire in a dump for used tires, with some members of parliament calling the blaze an environmental catastrophe. Firemen from the national guard, the army and the oil sector joined efforts to extinguish the fire that was still raging 10 hours after […]

Atlantis papers show familiar BP pattern of neglect

By Loren Steffy12 April 2012 We now know why BP wanted to keep information about its massive Atlantis platform in the Gulf of Mexico a secret. Thousands of pages of internal documents and emails, recently released in a long-running lawsuit, reveal ongoing safety issues, deficient design documents and a pattern of problems that are disturbingly […]

BP oil spill contaminated Gulf food chain: study

21 March 2012 (Houston Business Journal) – The Deepwater Horizon explosion and subsequent oil spill could have long-term effects on the Gulf of Mexico’s aquatic food chain, a new study says [Macondo-1 well oil-derived polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in mesozooplankton from the northern Gulf of Mexico]. BP Plc’s (NYSE: BP) Macondo well at the site leaked […]

U.S. worry about water, air pollution at historic lows – Concern about global warming dead last

[Gallup attributes this grim trend to the 2008 global financial collapse and a general increase in optimism on the environment. Gallup neglects the effect of the relentless propaganda and lobbying campaign waged by the fossil fuel industry.] By Jeffrey M. Jones13 April 2012 PRINCETON, NJ – Americans currently express record-low concern about both air pollution […]

Are dolphins doomed? They’re certainly taking a hit

By Tim Wall9 April 2012 Several mass deaths of dolphins have occurred over the past few years and while experts are worried about the die-off they say we are not witnessing a global population crash. But what is behind the recent mass strandings and deaths is complicated and, inevitably, involves humans. For example, the bottlenose […]

New science reveals agriculture’s true impact on climate

By Tom Laskawy10 April 2012 When I examined the reasons agriculture often gets a pass in climate negotiations recently, I pointed to the fact that precise measurement of the climate impact of many industrial farming practices remains difficult and controversial. This is especially true when it comes to synthetic nitrogen fertilizer. The effect of excess […]

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