29 May 2012 (CatMap) – This was once a useless old mountain, now reclaimed for positive economic impact by coal companies and their friends in the legislature. In order for coal mining companies to earn the right blow the tops of mountains, pollute the streams below and fuck up the natural landscape beyond imagination, they […]
GLADSTONE, Australia, 2 June 2012 (The Economist) – SOME locals in the port town of Gladstone recall swimming and catching mud crabs off Curtis Island in the city’s harbour. The harbour is now undergoing the biggest dredging operation ever approved in Australia. From 2014, huge ships are due to load liquefied natural gas (LNG) from […]
NEW YORK, New York, 22 May 2012 (ENS) – Oceans cover about 72 percent of Earth’s surface area and there are an estimated 250,000 marine species. “Yet, despite its importance, marine biodiversity has not fared well at human hands,” UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said today in his message to mark the International Day for Biological […]
By Keith Schneider21 May 2012 To understand the magnitude of the current oil and gas boom in North Dakota, you need only stand alongside U.S. Route 85 anywhere just north or south of Williston at night. The area’s 200 drilling rigs are lit up like carnival rides: towers of floodlights make up a luminous vertical […]
By ALICIA CHANG, AP Science Writer28 May 2012 Across the vast Pacific, the mighty bluefin tuna carried radioactive contamination that leaked from Japan’s crippled nuclear plant to the shores of the United States 6,000 miles away – the first time a huge migrating fish has been shown to carry radioactivity such a distance. “We were […]
By HIROKO TABUCHI and MATTHEW L. WALD26 May 2012 TOKYO – What passes for normal at the Fukushima Daiichi plant today would have caused shudders among even the most sanguine of experts before an earthquake and tsunami set off the world’s second most serious nuclear crisis after Chernobyl. Fourteen months after the accident, a pool […]
1. Potomac RiverPollution and Clean Water Act rollbacks have national implications. 2. Green RiverWater withdrawals could threaten a water-strapped region. 3. Chattahoochee RiverNew dams and reservoirs threaten to dry up the river flow. 4. Missouri RiverOutdated flood management putting public safety at risk. 5. Hoback RiverNatural gas development putting clean water, world-class fishing and wildlife […]
By Frank Langfitt22 May 2012 Mongolia, the land of Genghis Khan and nomadic herders, is in the midst of a remarkable transition. Rich in coal, gold, and copper, this country of fewer than 3 million people in Central Asia is riding a mineral boom that is expected to more than double its GDP within a […]
By Stephanie Nebehay and Tom Miles; Editing by Andrew Osborn23 May 2012 GENEVA (Reuters) – Spikes in radiation caused by the Fukushima nuclear accident were below cancer-causing levels in almost all of Japan and neighbouring countries had levels similar to normal background radiation, the World Health Organization said on Wednesday. In a preliminary report using […]
By Wan Xu and Don Durfee; Editing by Sophie Hares24 May 2012 BEIJING (Reuters) – China’s central government plans to spend 170 billion yuan ($27 billion) this year to promote energy conservation, emission reductions and renewable energy, the Ministry of Finance said in a statement on its website on Thursday. The ministry said China plans […]