Alberta oil sands spills have been going on for weeks with no end in sight – ‘This is a new kind of oil spill and there is no off button’

By Emma Pullman and Martin Lukacs 19 July 2013 (The Toronto Star) – Oil spills at a major oil sands operation in Alberta have been ongoing for at least six weeks and have cast doubts on the safety of underground extraction methods, according to documents obtained by the Star and a government scientist who has […]

TIME magazine: The plight of the honeybee

[You know that you’ve arrived when your story makes the cover of TIME. The rest is behind the pay wall, unfortunately.] By Bryan Walsh 19 August 2013 (TIME) – You can thank the Apis mellifera, better known as the Western honeybee, for 1 in every 3 mouthfuls you’ll eat today. Honeybees — which pollinate crops […]

Graph of the Day: Population declines of three butterfly species in Europe, 1990-2011

22 July 2013 (EEA) – Figure 3.2 shows some examples of European butterfly trends: The Common Blue (Polyommatus icarus), a widespread and in many countries common and abundant butterfly, occurring on all kinds of grasslands; the Orangetip (Anthocharis cardamines), a typical spring butterfly; the Lulworth Skipper (Thymelicus acteon), a specialist species of dry calcareous grasslands. […]

Richard Branson and James Cameron: U.S. should support United Nations initiative to save the high seas

By Richard Branson and James CameronAugust 18, 2013 We share a deep and abiding passion for and fascination with the ocean that has led us since childhood to wander the world under the waves. We also share an increasing concern that the health of the ocean is rapidly deteriorating under the strain of human pressure […]

Nagasaki bomb maker offers lessons for Fukushima cleanup – ‘The U.S. has vast experience in nuclear technology with their military activity, including decontaminating soil and managing river contamination’

By Shigeru Sato and Yuji Okada15 August 2013 (Bloomberg) – Hanford Engineer Works produced the 20 pounds of plutonium for the bomb dropped on Nagasaki. It’s among the most toxic nuclear waste sites and the place Japan is turning to for help dealing with melted reactors in Fukushima. Tokyo Electric Power Co. has sent engineers […]

Ecuador abandons plan to stave off drilling in Amazon rainforest – ‘It was not charity that we sought from the international community, but co-responsibility in the face of climate change’

QUITO, 15 August 2013 (Associated Press) – Ecuador’s President Rafael Correa has abandoned a unique and ambitious plan to persuade rich countries to pay his country not to drill for oil in a pristine Amazon rainforest preserve. Environmentalists had hailed the initiative when Correa first proposed it in 2007, saying he was setting a precedent […]

Military crackdown worsens pollution in Nigeria oil region – ‘Security operatives blowing up things is causing more pollution’

By Yinka Ibukun16 August 2013 (Bloomberg) – The Nigerian government’s military crackdown against the theft of crude in the Niger River delta has left more than a 1,000 makeshift refineries in flames, worsening pollution in the area, authorities said. A military taskforce deployed last year to stop theft and protect facilities in Africa’s top oil […]

Greenhouse 100 Polluters Index: Top U.S. companies responsible for greenhouse emissions – U.S. government is number 4 biggest polluter

June 2013 (PERI) – PERI’s Greenhouse 100 index identifies the top companies responsible for greenhouse gas emissions. The Greenhouse 100 relies on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program, which reports information from facilities in electric power and other industries that directly emit large quantities of greenhouse gases. In addition to the total […]

Record algae bloom, 11 thousand square miles in area, covers coastal waters near Qingdao

[Apologies for the tardiness; don’t know how this story got by Des last month.] By Wilfred Chan7 July 2013 (CNN) – For years, China has talked about promoting “green growth.” But this probably isn’t what they had in mind. For the seventh year in a row, monstrous quantities of green algae known as enteromorpha prolifera […]

Algae proliferation costs are ‘in the billions’ – ‘By fertilizing the planet, we end up fertilizing everything’

11 August 2013 (NPR) – Algae blooms are green or red or brown, slimy, smelly and you don’t want it coming soon to a waterfront near you. Most of us don’t give a lot of thought to algae until the furry-like monstrosity is spreading over beaches, rivers, lakes and bays, but gigantic algae blooms have […]

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