Flyover video: Oil washes ashore on Alabama beach at Gulf Shores

Flyover video: Oil washes ashore at Gulf Shores By Robert McClendon, Press-RegisterPublished: Friday, June 11, 2010, 2:15 PM GULF SHORES, Ala. — The leading finger of a hand of oil hundreds of yards wide began washing up on the white sand beaches west of Gulf Shores this morning, the oily smear moving west toward the […]

Oil hitting Alabama beaches worst yet since spill

By JAY REEVES and RAY HENRYThe Associated PressSaturday, June 12, 2010; 12:14 PM ORANGE BEACH, Ala. — Alabama’s beaches took their worst hit yet from an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico on Saturday as globs of crude and gooey tar – some the size of pancakes – lined the white sands and crews […]

Tests raise questions about cleanup workers' chemical exposure in the Gulf

By ELANA SCHOR of GreenwirePublished: June 11, 2010 On the growing list of unknowns that surround the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster — How many barrels are spilling? When will the leak be capped? — belongs another, less-discussed mystery: How will the chemical soup of gushing crude and dispersants affect the health of cleanup workers, […]

Oil spill shuts the nation’s oldest oyster-shucking company

By KIM SEVERSON June 10, 2010, 12:56 pm The oldest oyster-shucking operation in the country shucked its last oyster on Thursday, a victim of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Al Sunseri, whose family has run P&J Oyster Company since 1876, said he was about to give the news  to the workers at […]

Boom failure widespread, oil penetrates 20 miles into Louisiana marshes

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy In Louisiana marshes, a crude awakening Technorati Tags: oil production,oil spill,pollution,Gulf of Mexico,North America,wetland,habitat loss,ecosystem disruption

Low-oxygen pockets found off Alabama coast, raising new fears for sea life

By Ben Raines Published: Wednesday, June 09, 2010, 5:12 PM Scientists measured two areas of low oxygen off the Alabama coast Tuesday, finding levels below the threshold that marine creatures need to survive. The first low-oxygen pocket was found on the bottom in about 60 feet of water 12 miles off the coast due south […]

Gulf leak: Biggest spill may not be biggest disaster

By Peter Aldhous , Phil McKenna and Caitlin Stier 09 June 2010 * 16:14 THE Deepwater Horizon blowout is the largest oil spill in US history, but its ecological impact need not be the worst. It all hinges on the amount and composition of the oil that reaches the Gulf of Mexico’s most sensitive habitat: […]

Fishers desert Pensacola beaches

By Jorge Estevez PENSACOLA (CBS4) — Fifty days into the oil spill crisis, NOAA has confirmed that underwater oil plumes are spreading as far as 142 miles from the Deepwater Horizon spill. Officials with President Barack Obama’s administration says the containment cap put over the spill is showing promise; now, officials are concerned about the […]

Subsea oil plumes found 142 miles from rig staff and news service reports Clouds of oil have been found drifting underwater in the Gulf of Mexico as far as 142 miles from the wrecked Deepwater Horizon drilling rig, government officials said Tuesday. At a briefing, Jane Lubchenko, of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), said that tests conducted at three sites […]

What the spill will kill

Giant plumes of crude oil mixed with methane are sweeping the ocean depths with devastating consequences. ‘I’m not too worried about oil on the surface,’ says one scientist. ‘It’s the things we don’t see that worry me the most.’ By Sharon Begley, with Ian Yarett in New York and Daniel Stone in WashingtonJune 06, 2010 […]

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