Oxygen levels down in Gulf of Mexico oil plumes, dropping 1 to 2 percent per day

By John Flesher of The Associated Press  Published: Tuesday, June 22, 2010, 6:46 PM A marine scientist says underwater oil plumes in the Gulf of Mexico are reducing oxygen in some areas, but the drop-off isn’t steep enough to endanger marine life just yet. Samantha Joye of the University of Georgia said Tuesday that water […]

Floating nurseries hit by Deepwater Horizon spill

By Debora MacKenzie14:31 23 June 2010 The floating nurseries of the Gulf of Mexico are in the wrong place at the wrong time. Home to the larvae of more than 120 species of fish, the nurseries congregate along the US coast – precisely where the Deepwater Horizon oil slick is wreaking havoc. Ecologists in the […]

As world prices peak, Vietnam runs out of shrimp to sell

Source: Tuoi treMonday, 21/06/2010 (GMT+7) VietNamNet Bridge – Shrimp prices have spiked since the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, but Mekong Delta production is at a cyclical low. CEO Le Van Quang of Minh Phu Seafood Company says there’s been a surge in demand by US shrimp importers since the oil spill disaster cratered Gulf […]

You should totally apologize to BP

You should submit your apology to BP. You can submit videos, photos, quotes, whatever you want, as long as you apologize for the thing you did to BP. Did you eat all BP’s cheetos? Did you forget to fill up their tank the last time you borrowed their car? Let it all out. Make amends. […]

Little-known pancake batfish could be one of oil spill's early victims

By Kelly Lynch, CNNJune 17, 2010 — Updated 0058 GMT (0858 HKT) (CNN) — The Deepwater Horizon oil spill has already claimed many victims — from pelicans to oyster beds and precious marshland. But there may be one more: a species only just recently discovered. Scientifically known as halieutichthys aculeatus, it is not a thing […]

Finding Nemo 2: Parody posters of the BP oil spill

Mientras vemos el mundial nuestro planeta sigue muriendo, gracias a una de las catástrofes ecológicas más grandes del mundo, debido al derrame de petróleo más terrible ocurrido en el Golfo de México. Y ahora que viene la nueva película de Toy Story 3, se me ocurrió proponer unas ideas para que hagan la Segunda parte […]

Wetlands loss endangers birds on African-Eurasian flyway

THE HAGUE, The Netherlands, June 17, 2010 (ENS) – One-third of the critical wetlands that migratory waterbirds need when traveling between Africa, the Middle East, Europe and Central Asia are entirely unprotected, according to the first survey using a new online information tool. As a result, 42 percent of these waterbird species are in decline, […]

Aerial views of the Gulf oil spill: The photography of James Duncan Davidson

James Duncan Davidson, TED’s conference photographer, is among a crew of five photographers and videographers reporting on the Gulf of Mexico for the TEDxOilSpill Expedition. His photos, taken aboard a plane above the Deepwater Horizon accident site, reveal the staggering extent of the oil slick. Aerial photos of the oil slick Technorati Tags: oil production,oil […]

Death by fire in the gulf: Sea life incinerated alive in ‘burn boxes’

So-called burn boxes are torching oil from the water’s surface at the sacrifice of turtles, crabs, sea slugs and other sea life. By Kim Murphy, Los Angeles TimesJune 17, 2010 Reporting from the Gulf of Mexico — Here on the open ocean, 12 miles from ground zero of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, the gulf […]

Oiled sea turtles burned alive – Rescuers blocked by BP

A shrimp boat captain in Louisiana hired by BP was blocked from rescuing juvenile Kemp’s ridleys that were covered in oil in the Gulf waters. He was captured on video saying that the turtles are being collected in the clean-up efforts and burned up like so much ocean debris with other marine life gathering along […]

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