BP freezes work on relief well and temporary cap for Gulf oil spill

  The Associated Press Published: Wednesday, July 14, 2010, 10:03 AM BP froze activity on two key projects Wednesday meant to choke off the flow of oil billowing from its broken well in the Gulf of Mexico after days of moving confidently toward controlling the crisis. The development was a stunning setback after the oil […]

Lloyd’s of London adds its voice to dire ‘peak oil’ warnings

Business underestimating catastrophic consequences of declining oil, says Lloyd’s of London/Chatham House report By Terry Macalister, www.guardian.co.uk Sunday 11 July 2010 15.28 BST One of the City’s most respected institutions has warned of “catastrophic consequences” for businesses that fail to prepare for a world of increasing oil scarcity and a lower carbon economy. The Lloyd’s […]

Video shows new cap put on leaking BP Gulf well

Published: Monday, July 12, 2010, 6:46 PM  NEW ORLEANS — Live underwater video showed a new cap was placed Monday onto the leaking well in the Gulf of Mexico, offering hope of containing the gusher for the first time since BP’s deepwater rig exploded in April. BP officials did not immediately comment on the video […]

Big oil firms accused of human-rights abuses in Burma

By VIVIENNE WALTWed Jul 7, 2:15 am ET To the list of Big Oil companies with p.r. problems add two more: Chevron and French energy giant Total. In a report published on Monday, the NGO EarthRights International accuses the firms of being implicated in human-rights violations in Burma, claiming that soldiers guarding Chevron and Total’s […]

1.8M acres of Alaska drilling leases go up for bid

By DAN JOLING (AP) – 10 July 2010  ANCHORAGE, Alaska — The Interior Department is offering oil and gas leases on 1.8 million acres of Alaska’s National Petroleum Reserve while promising to protect critical migratory bird and caribou habitat. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said Friday that the Bureau of Land Management will offer 190 tracts, […]

Oil spill permeates the Gulf’s most productive environments

By John Talberth and Stephen Posner on July 7, 2010 The BP oil spill will degrade critical ecosystem services and their economic benefits for decades to come. BP’s massive oil spill jeopardizes the underpinning of economic wealth in the Gulf of Mexico region – the diverse coastal and marine ecosystems that generate a bounty of […]

Under the sands of Gulf Coast beaches, BP oil hidden from easy cleanup

The Associated PressAssociated Press Writer Mary Foster contributed to this report from Grand Isle, La.Published: Wednesday, July 07, 2010, 2:29 PM GULF SHORES, Ala. — There’s a dirty secret buried under Gulf of Mexico beaches after cleanup workers scrape away the oil washing ashore. Walk to a seemingly pristine patch of sand, plop down in […]

At least 58 Alabama patients treated for oil-related ailments, say health officials

By Casandra Andrews, Press-RegisterPublished: Wednesday, July 07, 2010, 2:08 PM MOBILE, Ala. — Alabama Department of Public Health officials reported today that at least 58 people have gone to local emergency rooms, clinics and urgent care centers since May 14 complaining of ailments thought to be related to the oil spill. That compares with 28,835 […]

Louisiana state and scientists spar over how to stop oil

By JOHN COLLINS RUDOLFPublished: July 6, 2010 With oil hitting Barataria Bay, a vast estuary in southeast Louisiana that boasts one of the most productive fisheries in the country, local parish officials hatched a plan in May to save the fragile ecosystem: they would build rock dikes across several major tidal inlets between the bay […]

AP investigation finds 27,000 abandoned oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico

By JEFF DONN and MITCH WEISS (AP) – 6 July 2010  More than 27,000 abandoned oil and gas wells lurk in the hard rock beneath the Gulf of Mexico, an environmental minefield that has been ignored for decades. No one — not industry, not government — is checking to see if they are leaking, an […]

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