Audubon Society: Gulf coast bird populations look OK, but oil found in many places

By Cain Burdeau, Associated PressThursday, October 14, 2010, 9:00 AM National Audubon Society experts say bird populations along Louisiana’s oil-tainted shores are doing surprisingly well nearly six months after the BP oil spill, but caution that oil continues to ooze out of the ground in many places and multiple threats remain. Bird experts with the […]

Video: Chevron toxic waste pits in Ecuador rainforest

Monday, October 11, 2010 A couple of months ago, I traveled with my Amazon Watch colleagues Mitch and Kevin into the Ecuadorian Amazon, where we met up with our friend Donald, an activist with the Amazon Defense Coalition. In this video, Mitch and Donald illustrate Chevron’s toxic legacy in Ecuador, in the form of one […]

£19 billion to dismantle North Sea oil rigs

BBC5 October 2010 The cost of dismantling North Sea oil and gas platforms is forecast to reach £19bn over the next 30 years. A new report by industry specialists said there were about 260 platforms to be decommissioned. Consultants Deloittes and Douglas-Westwood said the work presented “big opportunities” for those in the industry. They estimate […]

Environmental destruction undercuts global economy to the tune of $6.6 trillion

By Jeremy Hance, October 06, 2010 The cost of environmental damage to the global economy hit 6.6 trillion US dollars—11 percent of the global GDP—in 2008, according to a new study [executive summary pdf] by the Principles for Responsible (PRI) and UNEP Finance Initiative. If business continues as usual, the study predicts that environmental […]

Downstream from Canada oil sands, mercury level in bird eggs increases 50 per cent since 1970s

By Bob Weber, The Canadian PressPublished Friday, Oct. 01, 2010 11:47PM EDT Edmonton — A study by Environment Canada indicates levels of toxic mercury in the eggs of water birds downstream from the oil-sands industry seem to have grown by nearly 50 per cent over the last three decades. The study, one of the few […]

Gulf floor not visibly oiled, NOAA scientists report

By Cain Burdeau, Associated Press writer Thursday, September 30, 2010, 7:32 PM Federal scientists said Thursday they had found no visible oil on the sea floor around the damaged Gulf well that spewed some 206 million gallons of oil. Other scientists say they found a layer of oil on the sea floor. “At this point, […]

Scientists find ‘huge increase’ of carcinogens in Gulf of Mexico

By Joshua Schneyer; editing by David GregorioThu Sep 30, 2010 7:09pm EDT NEW YORK (Reuters) – University researchers said on Thursday they recently found alarming levels of cancer-causing toxins in an area of the Gulf of Mexico affected by BP’s oil spill, raising the specter of long-lasting health concerns. Oregon State University (OSU) researchers found […]

Depression up 25 percent on Gulf Coast after oil spill

The Associated Press Tuesday, September 28, 2010, 9:52 AM A Gallup survey released Tuesday of almost 2,600 Gulf Coast residents showed that depression cases are up more than 25 percent since an oil rig explosion killed 11 people and unleashed a three-month oil spill into the Gulf in April that ruined many livelihoods. The conclusions […]

Video: Baby fish show up in big numbers despite Gulf of Mexico oil spill

Baby fish show up in big numbers despite spill By Ben Raines, Press-Register Sunday, September 26, 2010, 5:00 AM Baby snapper are everywhere. So are baby trout, grouper and grunt. Early results from an annual count of juvenile fish in grass beds scattered around the northern Gulf of Mexico suggest that the larvae of some […]

Gulf oil spill: Steel boom for Perdido Pass disassembled, lying in Orange Beach storage yard

By Guy Busby, Press-Register Wednesday, September 22, 2010, 8:00 AM ORANGE BEACH, Ala. — Thousands of feet of steel pipe intended to protect Perdido Pass from the Gulf oil spill lie in a city storage yard off Canal Road. Crews dismantled the multimillion-dollar boom project just two weeks after it was completed. The floating steel […]

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