Deep-water dive reveals spilled oil on Gulf floor

  By Richard HarrisNovember 29, 2010 When the BP oil well blew out earlier this year, the 4 million barrels that flowed into the sea didn’t simply vanish. There’s growing evidence that a good portion of it sunk to the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico, where some of it remains. To get to the […]

Africa to fall short on water Millennium Goals: UN

By Staff WritersNov 26, 2010 Nairobi (AFP) – Most African countries will fail to attain the United Nation’s Millennium Goals on access to water and sanitation, the world body’s environment agency said on Friday. “Only eight countries in Africa are expected to attain the MDG target of reducing by half the proportion of the population […]

Controversial federal estimates of how much oil remained in Gulf in July were mostly accurate, study says

By Mark Schleifstein, The Times-Picayune Tuesday, November 23, 2010, 11:58 AM  A peer-reviewed report on the controversial federal estimates of how much oil from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster remained in the Gulf of Mexico in mid-July found that the estimates were largely accurate, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Administrator Jane Lubchenco said Tuesday. […]

Dolphin and whale strandings up 25 percent on beaches of Britain

By John Vidal, environment editor,  Monday 22 November 2010 15.15 GMT Marine scientists will this week appeal for volunteers to watch for stranded whales and dolphins and report instances as soon as possible to understand why so many are being found on beaches. It follows the unexplained mass stranding of 33 pilot whales found […]

BP deep-cleaning Gulf coast beaches amid new worries

The Associated Press November 17, 2010 ORANGE BEACH, Ala. (AP) — With its Macondo well dead and few visitors on the coast during the offseason, BP has launched its biggest push yet to deep-clean the tourist beaches that were coated with crude during the worst of the Gulf oil spill. Machines are digging down into […]

Autopsy of Deepwater Horizon blowout preventer finally begins

By David Hammer, The Times-Picayune Tuesday, November 16, 2010, 4:13 PM Forensic testing finally began Tuesday on a key piece of evidence from April’s Deepwater Horizon rig explosion and well blowout in the Gulf of Mexico, and the FBI is keeping a close eye on the work at the NASA Michoud facility in eastern New […]

Scientists wary of BP oil spill’s long-term effects on species

By Mark Schleifstein, The Times-Picayune Wednesday, November 10, 2010, 8:56 PM Federal officials planning the recovery from the effects of the BP Macondo oil spill should remain on guard for signs of the collapse of fish or wildlife species in and around the Gulf of Mexico in the years to come, say more than 40 […]

‘Shadow’ of oil spill seen in Gulf of Mexico plankton

By Ben Raines, Press-Register Monday, November 08, 2010, 5:30 AM     It is possible to trace oil from the BP spill as it moved through the first several levels of the Gulf’s food chain, starting with the microbes that broke the oil down, according to a scientific paper published today in Environmental Research Letters. That paper, […]

Dead, dying coral found near BP spill called ‘smoking gun’ — ‘We have never seen anything like this’ staff and news service reportsupdated 11/5/2010 5:07:41 PM ET Scientists returning from an expedition off the Gulf Coast said Friday they found dead and dying deepwater coral near the BP oil spill site that was covered in a brown substance. “The compelling evidence that we collected constitutes a smoking gun” that the substance is […]

Scientists find dead and dying coral covered with a brown substance 7 miles from BP oil spill site

By Mark Schleifstein, The Times-Picayune Thursday, November 04, 2010, 10:00 PM A brown substance is killing coral organisms in colonies located 4,600 feet deep about seven miles southwest of the failed BP Macondo oil well, according to scientists who returned Thursday from a three-week cruise studying coral reefs in the northern Gulf of Mexico. The […]

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