Millions of gallons of toxic chemicals injected into U.S. wells, poisoning aquifers

By IAN URBINA16 April 2011 WASHINGTON — Oil and gas companies injected hundreds of millions of gallons of hazardous or carcinogenic chemicals into wells in more than 13 states from 2005 to 2009, according to an investigation by Congressional Democrats. The chemicals were used by companies during a drilling process known as hydraulic fracturing, or […]

The worldwide ‘Thirst’ for clean drinking water

April 11 (NPR) – The typical American uses 99 gallons of water a day for activities like washing clothes, bathing, toilet-flushing and cooking. But that amount doesn’t even come close to the amount of water used on a daily basis by electrical power plants. Each day, coal, nuclear and natural gas plants use about five […]

Scientists unsure why Gulf dolphins washing up dead

By Vivian Kuo, CNN8 April 2011 (CNN) — Dead baby bottlenose dolphins are continuing to wash up in record numbers on the shores of the Gulf of Mexico, and scientists do not know why. Since February 2010 to April 2011, 406 dolphins were found either stranded or reported dead offshore. The occurrence has prompted the […]

Dwarf seahorses threatened by BP oil spill deserve endangered species protection: CBD

By Mark Schleifstein, The Times-Picayune 6 April 2011 The dwarf seahorse, which makes its home in seagrass beds along the coastline of Louisiana and other Gulf states, should be given endangered or threatened species status because of threats to its habitat by the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill and its overcollection for the aquarium trade, […]

Nuclear cuts ‘bad news’ for climate change

Singapore (AFP) April 4, 2011 – A global slowdown in the growth of nuclear power in reaction to the Japan crisis will seriously hamper the fight against climate change, a top International Energy Agency (IEA) official said Monday. IEA chief economist Fatih Birol told AFP that governments must study the implications carefully before making any […]

Koch Brothers Exposed

Poll: What’s the worst thing the Koch Brothers have done? Oil spills: Koch Industries, Inc. was fined $30 million in 2000 to resolve claims related to 300 oil spills across America. Anti-worker: The Kochs have spent more than $34 million to fund groups and individuals that work against workers rights, including WI Gov. Walker. Anti-healthcare: […]

Manslaughter charges possible for BP execs – Perjury filing also possible in Deepwater Horizon disaster

By PETE YOST29 March 2011 Manslaughter and perjury are among possible charges that Justice Department investigators are exploring in the early stages of their probe into the Gulf oil spill, people familiar with the inquiry said Tuesday. These people said the Justice Department is not ruling out the possibility of bringing manslaughter charges against companies […]

Graph of the Day: Survey of Health Effects in Plaquemines Parish Caused by BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, 2010

Points of View from Buras to Venice, Plaquemines Parish Perspectives on how the community has changed since the oil spill Katrina brought everyone together and the oil spill has split everyone apart. (Restaurant Owner: 9.29.10) Afraid for the health, to lose BP jobs. Can’t fish, shrimp, crab or swim anymore. Aggravated by all the lying, […]

Republican presidential hopefuls and their flip-flops on global warming

[Background: The fossil fuel industries, notably the Koch brothers, are assaulting the U.S. political system with unprecedented quantities of money. The Republican party has been targeted for infiltration by the industry’s front organization, the Tea Party. Although the Tea Party comprises a small percentage of the G.O.P., the party’s leadership has been forced to pander […]

Government tightens lid on Gulf dolphin death probe

By Leigh Coleman and Steve Gorman; editing by Jerry Norton25 March 2011 BILOXI, Mississippi (Reuters) – The U.S. government is keeping a tight lid on its probe into scores of unexplained dolphin deaths along the Gulf Coast, possibly connected to last year’s BP oil spill, causing tension with some independent marine scientists. Wildlife biologists contracted […]

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