Why conservative white males are more likely to be climate skeptics

By Julia Pyper and ClimateWire  5 October 2011 When it comes to climate change denial, not all human beings are created equal. As a recent study shows, conservative white males are less likely to believe in climate change. “It’s not surprising,” said Aaron McCright, sociology professor at Michigan State University, who is a white male […]

Who’s bankrolling the climate-change deniers?

By BRYAN WALSH 4 October 2011  Not too long ago, belief in climate science wasn’t a political issue. Honestly! As recently as the 2008 U.S. presidential election, both the Democratic and Republican candidates professed belief in the threat of global warming, and each advanced policies designed to curb U.S. carbon emissions. Senator John McCain had […]

Feds order Transocean to investigate oil floating above well responsible for Deepwater Horizon spill

By Ben Raines, Press-Register27 September 2011 MOBILE, Alabama — The U.S. Coast Guard announced Tuesday that it would require Transocean, owner of the drilling rig that exploded and unleashed the Gulf spill, to determine the source of the BP oil found floating above the wellhead. The announcement came one month after the Press-Register collected samples […]

Graph of the Day: Global Food Security Levels in the Face of High Food Prices

If nothing else, existentially important goods include food. Although countries such asGermany are almost self-sufficient when it comes to the basic supply of foodstuffs, peak oil could well have serious consequences in some areas of agriculture. Potential supply bottlenecks would above all jeopardise countries with high food import quotas since the cost of importing food […]

LSU confirms Gulf oil sheens are from BP Deepwater Horizon well

By Ben Raines, Press-Register 26 September 2011, While the source of the oil bubbling up around the Deepwater Horizon site remains a mystery, a Louisiana State University scientist says further chemical analysis has confirmed that the oil originated in BP’s well, and not from other nearby sources, as federal officials have suggested. Federal officials said […]

Coal’s terrible forecast

By Gregor Macdonald September 20, 2011 There are many unfortunate outcomes to Peak Oil. One of the more serious is the world’s transition back to coal. Expensive BTU from crude oil has influenced the energy adoption pathway of the Developing World for ten years now, pushing the five billion people in the Non-OECD towards coal. […]

BP says it didn’t hide information about Gulf well blowout

By Margaret Cronin Fisk and Laurel Brubaker Calkins20 September 2011 BP Plc (BP) said it didn’t hide information about a possibly dangerous condition in the Macondo oil well before or after it blew out in April 2010, killing 11 people and triggering the biggest U.S. offshore oil spill. BP personnel determined that a sand layer […]

Notes from the Naomi Oreskes ‘Merchants of Doubt’ interview

By Anna Haynes19 September 2011 See Tamino’s post for the excellent (34 min) interview & a discussion thereof. Here are my notes from watching: Marshall Institute was originally founded (by 3) to defend SDI (star wars) The idea of demanding equal time – Seitz learned it from tobacco industry They came from cold war rocketry […]

Editorial: Oil spill in the Gulf was slow-motion suicide in rush for more

By Bill Cato, Special to The Birmingham News 18 September 2011 […] We punched a hole in the Earth, and poison gushed from it. The fine folks at BP droned on about caps, junk shots and relief wells. They told us they were responsible and they would fix this problem. They bought full-page advertisements in […]

Report: BP made ‘critical mistakes’ leading to Deepwater Horizon oil spill

WASHINGTON, D.C., September 14 (AP) — A key federal report into what caused the worst offshore oil spill in U.S. history was being readied for release as early as today amid revelations that BP made critical mistakes on the well and failed to tell its partners and the U.S. government when it realized it. An […]

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