Deep Gulf drilling thrives 18 months after BP oil spill

By Jonathan Fahey, AP Energy Writer30 December 2011 ALAMINOS CANYON BLOCK 857, GULF OF MEXICO – Two hundred miles off the coast of Texas, ribbons of pipe are reaching for oil and natural gas deeper below the ocean’s surface than ever before. These pipes, which run nearly two miles deep, are connected to a floating […]

American Psychosis: What happens to a society that cannot distinguish between reality and illusion?

By Chris HedgesPosted on 14 September 2010 by rockingjude The United States, locked in the kind of twilight disconnect that grips dying empires, is a country entranced by illusions. It spends its emotional and intellectual energy on the trivial and the absurd. It is captivated by the hollow stagecraft of celebrity culture as the walls […]

Russia oil spills wreak devastation – ‘Fishing, hunting – it’s all gone’

By Nataliya Vasilyeva, AP Business Writer 17 December 2011 USINSK, Russia – On the bright yellow tundra outside this oil town near the Arctic Circle, a pitch-black pool of crude stretches toward the horizon. The source: a decommissioned well whose rusty screws ooze with oil, viscous like jam. This is the face of Russia’s oil […]

Photo gallery: Oil drilling and the Inupiat people of Point Hope

Preparing for the winter storms, a bulldozer piles up a protective bank on the north shore. The coastline has become increasingly vulnerable to erosion as the sea ice retreats. More open water allows waves to build up in the fierce Arctic winds. Point Hope lies south of lease site 193 where oil giant Shell plan […]

BP says Halliburton destroyed Gulf oil spill evidence

By Jonathan Stempel in New York; Editing by Gary Hill5 December 2011 (Reuters) – BP Plc accused Halliburton Co of destroying evidence that the oilfield services company did inadequate cement work on the Gulf of Mexico oil well that blew out last year, and asked a federal judge to punish Halliburton. The accusation, in a […]

Former negotiator says Canada blocking Durban climate talks

By Mike De Souza, Postmedia News 4 December 2011 DURBAN, South Africa – A retired Canadian government negotiator who worked on one of the world’s most successful environmental treaties says that Canada’s negotiating tactics at international climate change talks are impeding progress, while protecting the interests of a single industry. “I’m not so sure the […]

Fury as UK minister delays marine protection

By Lewis Smith15 November 2011 The government has been accused of failing the environment after announcing delays to the creation of marine reserves. Conservation groups responded angrily to the announcement by environment minister Richard Benyon that the internationally agreed deadline for creating marine protected areas will be missed. They accused the government of changing the […]

Graph of the Day: World Energy Consumption by Fuel Type, 1990-2035

In the long-term, the Reference case projects increased world consumption of marketed energy from all fuel sources through 2035. Fossil fuels are expected to continue supplying much of the energy used worldwide. Although liquid fuels—mostly petroleum based—remain the largest source of energy, the liquids share of world marketed energy consumption falls from 34 percent in […]

BP oil spill: The oil is still here – Take a look

By Jonathan Henderson9 November 2011 This week, the United States Coast Guard concluded that BP can wind down its efforts to clean oil still marring the shores of the Gulf coast, unless officials can prove that the oil is BP’s. For more on this decision and what it means for cleanup efforts, take a look […]

More dead dolphins found on Mississippi coast

GULFPORT, Mississippi, November 28 (AP) – Two more dead dolphins have washed ashore in Mississippi, but scientists hope an ailing dolphin found in neighboring Alabama will provide answers about what is killing the marine mammals in the Gulf of Mexico. Mobi Solangi, director of the Institute for Marine Mammal Studies, said the two dead dolphins […]

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