Chevron rig fire off Nigeria polluting coastal water sources

Yenagoa, Nigeria (IRIN) – Nigeria’s Bayelsa State government said yesterday it would speed up the release of money over the next two weeks to help hundreds of thousands of villagers affected by a Chevron off-shore oil spill in January. The affected areas are Kolo Ama I and II, Akasa, Sanagana, Fish Town, Fropa, Ekeni, Ezetu […]

Chevron rig fire damage hits Nigeria shores

By Ejiofor Alike7 February 2012 The damage caused by the fire on KS Endeavour, a drilling rig operated by FODE Drilling Nigeria Limited for Chevron Nigeria Limited on Funiwa Field in Block 86 in Bayelsa State has hit the coastal communities, polluting water and the environment. KS Endeavor was drilling a natural gas exploration well, […]

Dead fish, health problems emerge as Chevron rig off Nigeria continues to burn after accident

LAGOS, Nigeria, 6 February 2012 (AP) – The burning inferno of what used to be a Chevron Corp. natural gas rig, the K.S. Endeavor, still stains the night’s sky orange more than two weeks after the rig caught fire, and no one can say when it will end as swarms of dead fish surface. The […]

Hundreds of scientists ask President Obama to halt Arctic drilling

By Margaret Kriz Hobson28 January 2012 A group of 573 scientists today released a letter (PDF) to President Obama asking him to stop oil drilling in Alaska’s Arctic waters until experts can study the proposed oil development’s impacts on sensitive Arctic ecosystems and native subsistence activities. … “We want to make it a high priority […]

BP emails reveal company veiling spill rate

By Cain Burdeau of the Associated Press28 January 2012 NEW ORLEANS – On the day the Deepwater Horizon sank, BP officials warned in an internal memo that if the well was not protected by the blow-out preventer at the drill site, crude oil could burst into the Gulf of Mexico at a rate of 3.4 […]

Canada plays down embarrassing oil sands document

By David Ljunggren, with additional reporting by Jeff Jones in Calgary; editing by Peter Galloway26 January 2012 OTTAWA (Reuters) – Canada disassociated itself on Thursday from an embarrassing official policy paper that said the country’s independent energy regulator, now studying a controversial oil pipeline, is in fact a government ally. Critics have long charged the […]

Dauphin Island fish show up with lesions, BP oil spill link questioned

By Ben Raines, Press-Register 11 January 2012 DAUPHIN ISLAND, Alabama – More than half the fish caught Monday by Press-Register reporters in the surf off Dauphin Island had bloody red lesions on their bodies. Fishing along an uninhabited portion of the barrier island during a trip to survey beaches for tarballs, the newspaper caught 21 […]

World oil production will decline shortly after 2015: former IEA analyst

Posted by JoulesBurn5 January 2012 The following interview is a guest post by Matthieu Auzanneau, a freelance journalist living in Paris. This article previously appeared in Le Monde. Olivier Rech developed petroleum scenarios for the International Energy Agency over a three year period, up until 2009. This French economist now advises large investment funds on […]

‘Searing anger’ as Nigerians protest fuel price increase

By Stephanie Busari, CNN4 January 2012 (CNN) – Car tires were set on fire and gas stations blockaded as hundreds of Nigerians took to the streets to protest the removal of fuel subsidies that saw the price of petrol more than double virtually overnight. Angry Nigerians chanted anti-government slogans and brandished placards in a largely […]

Graph of the Day: Global Pace of Land Acquisitions, 2000-2010

Contact: Dr Michael Taylor,, Programme Manager, Global Policy and Africa International Land Coalition Secretariat at IFAD, Tel: +39 065459 2267 The most comprehensive study of large land acquisitions in developing countries to date — published online on 14 December by the International Land Coalition (ILC) — has found more evidence of harm than benefits. […]

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