State of the Earth: Still seeking Plan A for sustainability

By David Biello 12 October 2012 NEW YORK CITY (Scientific American) – The state of the planet is grim, whether that assessment is undertaken from the perspective of economic development, social justice or the global environment. What’s known as sustainable development—a bid to capture all three of those efforts in one effort and phrase—has hardly […]

Why the chill on climate change? Question absent in U.S. presidential debates

By Eugene Robinson18 October 2012 (The Washington Post) – Not a word has been said in the presidential debates about what may be the most urgent and consequential issue in the world: climate change. President Obama understands and accepts the scientific consensus that the burning of fossil fuels is trapping heat in the atmosphere, with […]

Photo gallery: Aerial view of deforestation at the Tar Sands mine in Alberta, Canada

By Mark Duell18 October 2012 These incredible pictures show the bleak landscape of bitumen, sand and clay created by the frantic pursuit of 173 billion barrels of untouched oil. The Tar Sands in Alberta, Canada, are the world’s third largest oil reserve – but lush green forests once blanketed an area there larger than England. […]

Koch Industries, other CEOs threaten employees with layoffs if President Obama is reelected

By Dylan Stableford 14 October 2012 (Yahoo! News) – Koch Industries, the Wichita, Kan.-based company run by the billionaire Koch brothers, sent a voter information packet to 45,000 employees of its Georgia Pacific subsidiary earlier this month. In it was a letter, dated Oct. 1, from Koch Industries president Dave Robertson implicitly warning that “many […]

Underestimating the dangers of peak oil and climate change

By Kurt Cobb8 October 2012 Many people dismiss the risks associated with oil depletion and climate change – even many who accept the two issues as problems. They judge those risks to be small or at least manageable. Since no one can know the future, we cannot be sure whether they are right or wrong. […]

Oil and Nature: A Landscape Reconfigured

By EMMA BRYCE25 September 2012 In the stark white space of the Aperture Gallery in Chelsea, billboard-size photographs present an array of haunting scenes. A chemical plant with a cemetery in the foreground. An empty basketball court alongside a turreted oil refinery. A lush swamp filled with trees, one of which has a Shell Oil […]

Video: The most important call to action imaginable

Futurist Daniel Rirdan’s passionate appeal to save what’s left of Earth’s biosphere: ( This is the formation of an action-oriented movement with an actual plan to avert an eventual collapse of the various ecosystems and also, indirectly, the manmade world. Also, check out his well-researched book: The Blueprint: Averting Global Collapse. The most important call […]

Video: Weathergirl goes rogue

Arctic ice cover just reached its lowest point in recorded history. Pippa goes off script and drops some science. For more, check out Deep Rogue Ram (Facebook, Twitter). Filmed at Strut Studios in Vancouver. Starring Pippa Mackie and Kai Nagata. Written by Heather Libby. Weathergirl goes rogue Technorati Tags: global warming,climate change,North America,Arctic,sea ice,coal,oil production,Canada

For farms in the U.S. West, oil wells are thirsty rivals

By JACK HEALY5 September 2012 GREELEY, Colorado – A new race for water is rippling through the drought-scorched heartland, pitting farmers against oil and gas interests, driven by new drilling techniques that use powerful streams of water, sand and chemicals to crack the ground and release stores of oil and gas. A single such well […]

Economists: Civilization may not survive ‘death spiral’

By Terry Weiss, Money Morning Richard Duncan, formerly of the World Bank and chief economist at Blackhorse Asset Mgmt., says America’s $16 trillion federal debt has escalated into a “death spiral, “as he told CNBC. And it could result in a depression so severe that he doesn’t “think our civilization could survive it.” And Duncan […]

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