Dispersant made oil 50 times more toxic to Gulf of Mexico microorganisms

By Bob Berwyn3 December 2012 The massive amounts of oil that spilled into the Gulf of Mexico after BP’s Deepwater Horizon drill rig exploded was devastating to marine life, but the dispersant used in the aftermath to try and break down the oil slicks may have been even worse for some species, according to new […]

Climate change: Africa is most affected

By Catherine Mwesigwa Kizza30 November 2012 Meeting after meeting, 18 times later, the world’s climate experts are at it once again in Doha, Qatar, to discuss climate change, but the problem continues unabated. “Climate change is the biggest challenge to humanity this century,” says Fanuel Tolo, the director of programmes of Climate Network Africa. He […]

Is there enough water for ‘fracking’ boom?

By Spencer Hunt   27 November 2012 CARROLLTON, Ohio (The Columbus Dispatch) – A deep, constant hum emanates from John and Elizabeth Neider’s dairy and sheep farm. Depending on whom you ask, it’s either the sound of progress or a harbinger of environmental disaster. The hum is created by a cluster of powerful pumps forcing millions […]

Graph of the Day: OPEC 12 Crude Oil Production, 2002-2012

By Euan Mearns 28 November 2012 Executive summary OPEC is currently pumping at close to near term and historic highs of 31.2 mmbpd of crude oil. Outside of Saudi Arabia, the majority of spare capacity is deemed to lie in Iran and Nigeria. Iran could certainly pump more if permitted to do so by the […]

Outcry grows as Canada government undermines climate science – ‘We’re hemorrhaging scientists here’

By Katherine Bagley27 November 2012 (InsideClimate News) – The government of Canada’s official position on climate change is that it’s real and requires an “aggressive” response. Despite that, Canada’s ruling Conservative Party government has been leading a slow and systematic unraveling of environmental and climate research budgets, according to local scientists—including shuttering one of the […]

Video: Science Girl talks climate change and dirty energy

  The Science Girl takes a comedic look at the differences between climate and weather. Created for the live broadcast of 24 Hours of Reality: The Dirty Weather Report. Climate Reality Technorati Tags: global warming,climate change,oil production,coal,alternative energy,wildfire,flood,heat wave,drought

Carbon tax percolates through U.S. political system – Washington state representative introduces Managed Carbon Price Act

By Kevin G. Hall20 November 2012 WASHINGTON (McClatchy Newspapers) – The president downplays it. Insiders insist it doesn’t stand a chance. Yet as negotiations between the Obama administration and Congress take form over a deal on taxes and budgets, the idea of a carbon tax is discussed with greater frequency. Oddly enough, there’s no high-profile […]

Image of the Day: Shell drilling rig within view of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

By Jeremy Hance29 October 2012 (mongabay.com) – Twelve miles off shore from the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge floats a seemingly tiny man-made device—at least from an airplane—but it’s actually a 160-foot high Shell Dutch Royal oil drilling rig. While the hugely controversial plan to drill for oil in the Arctic ocean was postponed this year […]

U.S. downplayed effect of Deepwater Horizon oil spill on whales, emails reveal

By Suzanne Goldenberg, US environment correspondent, www.guardian.co.uk24 October 2012 The images from the summer of 2010 were undoubtedly gruesome: the carcass of a young sperm whale, decayed and partially eaten by sharks, sighted at sea south of the Deepwater Horizon oil well. It was the first confirmed sighting of a dead whale since the BP […]

President Obama won the third presidential debate, but what about climate change?

By Stephen Stromberg23 October 2012 In their last presidential debate Monday night, the two presidential candidates began with Libya and stayed in the Islamic world for almost the entire evening. They talked about “divorcing” Pakistan, arming Syrian rebels and rallying allies against Iran. In this exchange, Romney offered few serious counterproposals to Obama’s current policy, […]

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