Shell not liable for most Nigeria oil spill claims, Dutch court rules – ‘We’re flabbergasted and the people have not seen justice’

By Fred Pals30 January 2013 (Bloomberg) – Royal Dutch Shell Plc (RDSA), Europe’s biggest oil company, isn’t liable in four out of five claims bought by Nigerian farmers for pollution, a Dutch court ruled. The company’s local venture must pay compensation in one case. “Shell Nigeria has been sentenced to pay damages in one of […]

Graph of the Day: World Energy Consumption by Source, 1820-2010

By Gail the Actuary11 January 2013 Most of us have heard that Thomas Malthus made a forecast in 1798 that the world would run short of food. He expected that this would happen because in a world with limited agricultural land, food supply would fail to rise as rapidly as population. In fact, at the […]

2 reports on Athabasca oil sands paint a dire picture

By JOHN M. BRODER17 January 2013 (The New York Times) – Opponents of the Keystone XL pipeline and the heavy Canadian crude oil that it would carry released two reports on Thursday asserting that the environmental impacts of the project are worse than previously estimated, and urged the Obama administration to veto it. One report, […]

Center for American Progress: Why we now oppose drilling in the Arctic

By Carol Browner and John Podesta 17 January 2013 The Arctic Ocean is subject to some of the most volatile weather patterns on the planet. Geologists believe it also contains vast undersea oil and gas reserves. Last year, the Arctic’s ice cover shrank to the lowest levels in recorded history and, not coincidentally, Royal Dutch […]

Image of the Day: Nighttime satellite view of North Dakota gas flares

By Brian Bowen,, 617-247-0700×14810 January 2013 Boston, Massachusetts ( – The rapid growth in domestic oil production has set the United States on track to become the world’s top oil producer by 2015, but investors are wary of the environmentally damaging practices associated with that growth, specifically the burning off—or flaring—of natural gas that […]

Carcinogen levels soar in Canada’s tar sand lakes

By Andy Coghlan9 January 2013 Canada’s push to exploit oil-rich sandy rock formations is certainly controversial, but does it pose a health threat? A first analysis has found an increase in carcinogens in sediment from lakes near to the Athabasca oil sands in Alberta but it is not yet clear if the pollution could make […]

New twist in stricken Alaska rig saga: Shell was moving it to avoid tax – Salvors board to make initial assessment

By Tom Bawden   4 January 2013 (The Independent) – Shell’s ill-fated attempt to tow an offshore oil rig from Alaska to Seattle in the final days of December was motivated by a desire to avoid $7m (£4.3m) of Alaskan state taxes, it emerged today. But the oil giant will instead suffer a multi-million dollar loss […]

Shell drilling rig runs aground in heavy Alaska seas

By Kim Murphy1 January 2013 (Los Angeles Times) – Days of efforts trying to guide a mobile offshore drilling rig through stormy Alaska seas hit a crisis Monday night when crew members were forced to disconnect the rig from its last remaining tow line and the vessel went aground on a small island south of […]

Ugo Bardi: Climate change: Confessions of a Peak Oiler

By Ugo Bardi13 December 2012 In 2003, I attended my first conference on peak oil, in Paris. Everything was new for me: the subject, the people, the ideas. It was there that I could meet for the first time those larger than life figures of ASPO, the association for the study of peak oil. I […]

Video: Exxon hates your children

5 December 2012 (other98) – FINALLY: A TV ad that tells it like it is: EXXON HATES YOUR CHILDREN. Go to if you want to see it on national television! (And go straight to to donate.) What would YOU spend the $10 billion on instead? Exxon Hates Your Children via Tamino Technorati Tags: […]

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