Keystone XL pipeline: US government report drew on analysis by oil consultants

By Lisa Song for InsideClimate News, part of the Guardian Environment Network 6 March 2013 ( – The State Department’s recent conclusion that the Keystone XL pipeline “is unlikely to have a substantial impact” on the rate of Canada’s oil sands development was based on analysis provided by two consulting firms with ties to oil […]

Greg Palast: Vaya con Dios, Hugo Chàvez, mi Amigo

By Greg Palast5 March 2013 ( – For BBC Television, Palast met several times with Hugo Chàvez, who passed away today. As a purgative for the crappola fed to Americans about Chàvez, my foundation, The Palast Investigative Fund, is offering the film, The Assassination of Hugo Chavez, as a FREE download. Based on my several […]

Investors demand climate-risk disclosure in 2013 proxies – ‘We’re now beginning to see renewed interest in the actual financial risks from climate change’

By Avery Fellow 25 February 2013 (Bloomberg BNA) – Shareholders are filing resolutions asking companies to disclose physical risks posed by climate change for the first time this proxy season, according to representatives of sustainable investor groups. Shareholders also are continuing to file an increasing number of sustainability related resolutions asking companies to set greenhouse […]

‘Canary in the coal mine’: Living beyond the levees in Louisiana – ‘Leeville is washing away’ as sea level rises

By Rick Jervis 23 February 2013 LEEVILLE, Louisiana (USA Today) – At the 85th Academy Awards ceremony on Sunday, an independent Louisiana-shot film, Beasts of the Southern Wild, will be up for four Oscars, including Best Picture and Best Director, for its fictional account of a desolate band of folks living beyond the levees. Nearly […]

Keystone XL pipeline will have no ‘impact on climate change’, TransCanada boss says

20 February 2013 (AP) – The company that wants to build a controversial oil pipeline from western Canada to Texas said on Tuesday said that shutting down the oil sands at its source would have no measurable effect on global warming. “You could shut down oil sands production tomorrow and it would have absolutely no […]

Transocean pleads guilty, is sentenced to pay $400 million in criminal penalties for criminal conduct leading to Deepwater Horizon disaster

Contact: Stacy Kika,, 202-564-0906, 202-564-435514 February 2013 WASHINGTON (EPA) – Transocean Deepwater Inc. pleaded guilty today to a violation of the Clean Water Act (CWA) for its illegal conduct leading to the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster, and was sentenced to pay $400 million in criminal fines and penalties, Attorney General Holder announced today. In […]

Ice-free Arctic Ocean in 2030?

By Gerard Wynn15 February 2013 LONDON (Reuters) – Vast uncertainty remains over the causes of melting Arctic sea ice and when it may disappear altogether during the summer, which would have consequences for oil explorers, shipping firms and the fight against climate change. The answer will depend on the balance of natural and manmade causes. […]

Four U.S. states introduce Keystone XL pipeline resolutions, lifting language directly from ALEC and TransCanada

16 February 2013By Brendan Fischer (PR Watch) – Legislators in four states have introduced bills in recent weeks supporting the controversial TransCanada Keystone XL pipeline, with language that appears to have been lifted directly from a “model” American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) bill and from TransCanada’s own public relations talking points. Some of the first […]

Images from North Dakota’s Bakken oil fields boom – ‘This is changing the landscape so fast. I grieve now when I leave North Dakota.’

By DYLAN WALSH15 February 2013 (The New York Times) – For Elizabeth Farnsworth, the story began when she was walking her dog at a highway rest stop off Interstate 94 in North Dakota. “My husband and I met a trucker who was making $100,000 per year,” said Ms. Farnsworth, a freelance filmmaker and special correspondent […]

The myth of an American ‘Saudi America’: Straight talk from geologists about the new era of oil abundance

By Raymond T. Pierrehumbert6 February 2013 (Slate) – Like swallows returning to San Juan Capistrano, every December some 20,000 geoscientists flock to San Francisco for the fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union. Slate readers have already heard about a presentation with a particularly eye-catching title, but for me some of the most thought-provoking news […]

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