How do we know that humans are responsible for global warming?

By Michael E. Mann, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor, Pennsylvania State University[Text excerpted from chapter 2 of The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars, by Michael E. Mann, Columbia University Press, New York, 2012, 395pp] ( – By the mid-1990s, it was possible to investigate the causal mechanisms behind changes in Earth’s climate using relatively sophisticated mathematical […]

Libertarian Koch Brothers in bid to buy biggest U.S. newspapers

By AMY CHOZICK20 April 2013 (The New York Times) – Three years ago, Charles and David Koch, the billionaire industrialists and supporters of libertarian causes, held a seminar of like-minded, wealthy political donors at the St. Regis Resort in Aspen, Colo. They laid out a three-pronged, 10-year strategy to shift the country toward a smaller […]

U.S. Supreme Court asked to hear EPA greenhouse gas challenge – Virginia Supreme Court revives epic suit against Massey Coal

By Valerie Volcovici; editing by Xavier Briand19 April 2013 WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Top industry groups and a dozen states have asked the Supreme Court to review a lower court decision upholding the Obama administration’s plan to limit greenhouse gas emissions generated by power plants and vehicles. The parties, which had until Friday to submit petitions […]

Photo gallery: Three years after the BP oil spill, tar balls and oil sheen blight Gulf Coast

Julie Dermansky20 April 2013 (The Atlantic) – April 20 marks the three-year anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon disaster, which took the lives of 11 men and resulted in the largest oil spill in American history. BP, along with Transocean and Halliburton, are still in the midst of a civil trial held in New Orleans federal […]

Graph of the Day: Oil production declines for top five oil companies, 2004-2012

By Matthieu Auzanneau19 April 2013 (The Oil Drum) – The combined crude oil production of the five main international oil companies (Exxon, BP, Shell, Chevron and Total) hit an historic high in 2004. Since then, it has fallen by 25.8%, despite large increases in investments. Total crude oil produced by the majors was 10.760 million […]

As Arctic ice melts, it’s a free-for-all for oil … and mammoth tusks

14 April 2013 (NPR) – It’s widely known that the world’s icecaps are melting. While most people are focused on what we’re losing, some have considered what might be gained by the disappearance of all that ice. In 2008, the U.S. Geological Survey released a report estimating that 13 percent of the world’s remaining undiscovered […]

Dead dolphins and shrimp with no eyes found after BP clean-up – Chemicals used to disperse Gulf of Mexico spill blamed for marine deaths and human illness

By Emily Dugan14 April 2013 (Independent) – Hundreds of beached dolphin carcasses, shrimp with no eyes, contaminated fish, ancient corals caked in oil and some seriously unwell people are among the legacies that scientists are still uncovering in the wake of BP’s Deepwater Horizon spill. This week it will be three years since the first […]

Believing in clean oilsands like believing in ‘magic fairies’, top scientist says

By Tom Spears13 April 2013 OTTAWA (The Ottawa Citizen) – Claims that Alberta’s oilsands are environmentally harmless are “lies” and won’t convince anyone in Washington, one of this country’s most famous ecologists said Friday. Political leaders in Alberta and Ottawa “seem to think that Americans believe in magic fairies — just shut your eyes and […]

Kansas’s self-destruct button: A bill to outlaw sustainability

By Tom Randall 9 April 2013 (Bloomberg) – Kansas, I love your sense of humor. It seems like every time the Sunflower State pops up in my news feed, it’s for something like this: House Bill No. 2366, a proposed law that would make it illegal to use “public funds to promote or implement sustainable […]

Jeremy Grantham, environmental philanthropist: ‘We’re trying to buy time for the world to wake up’

You’ve probably never heard of him, and for years Jeremy Grantham liked it that way. But now the man who made billions by predicting every recent financial crisis is speaking out. By Leo Hickman  12 April 2013 (The Guardian) – One icy morning in February, a train pulled into Washington DC. It was loaded with […]

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