Mexico’s cities not ready for climate change – ‘The municipalities are waiting for the federal government to act, because they are completely overwhelmed’

By Emilio Godoy12 July 2013 PROGRESO, Mexico (IPS) – Towns on Mexico’s Caribbean coast are behind schedule on the design and implementation of plans to face the challenges of climate change, in spite of the urgency of measures to reduce vulnerability. The country’s 2012 General Law on Climate Change requires state and municipal governments to […]

Pumping water underground could trigger major earthquakes – ‘These fluids are driving faults to their tipping point’

By Natalie Starkey 11 July 2013 (The Guardian) – Pumping water underground at geothermal power plants can lead to dangerous earthquakes even in regions not prone to tremors, according to scientists. They say that quake risk should be factored into decisions about where to site geothermal plants and other drilling rigs where water is pumped […]

Image of the Day: Satellite view of Quebec oil train fire

By Andrew Freedman9 July 2013 (ClimateCentral) – The explosion and fires that followed a runaway oil train slamming into the town of Lac-Mégantic, Quebec were so powerful that they were visible from space. At least 13 people died and about three dozen are still reported missing after the accident on July 6. The train was […]

Photo gallery: Oil train explosion in Quebec town of Lac Mégantic – ‘Everything that was there is gone’

Smoke rises from railway cars that were carrying crude oil after derailing in downtown Lac Mégantic, Quebec, Saturday, 6 July 2013. Photo: Paul Chiasson / THE CANADIAN PRESS Train Derailment Sparks Explosions in Quebec Huge fire erupts in Lac-Mégantic, QC, Canada, as an oil train derails. All of downtown is burning right now. Vers 1:20am […]

United Church of Christ is first national church group to divest from fossil fuel investments

PITTSBURGH, 3 July 2013 (Associated Press) – A group of Protestant churches has become the first U.S. religious body to vote to divest its pension funds and investments from fossil fuel companies because of climate change concerns. The United Church of Christ, which traces its origins back to the Pilgrims in 1620 and has about […]

The Oil Drum calls it quits

The end of an era. The Oil Drum was the single best source for intelligent discussions about the future of world energy production, with a contrapuntal theme of global warming chat. Rembrandt broke the news that TOD is closing: …due to scarcity of new content caused by a dwindling number of contributors. Despite our best […]

BP challenges settlements in Gulf Oil spill – ‘The litigation over this issue has not in any way changed our commitment to the Gulf’

25 June 2013 NEW ORLEANS (AP) – BP is placing full-page advertisements in three of the nation’s largest newspapers on Wednesday as the company mounts an aggressive campaign to challenge what could be billions of dollars in settlement payouts to businesses after its 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The ad, scheduled to […]

Alberta floods: A changing tide? ‘I only hope my city’s nightmare is the climate-change wake-up Alberta, and Canada, needs’

OTTAWA, 26 June 2013 (The Economist) – One of the most divisive debates in Canada during the seven and a half years that Stephen Harper has been prime minister has been about climate change. It has pitted Mr Harper’s Conservative government and the country’s oil industry against the New Democrat and Liberal opposition parties and […]

Critics call Obama climate change plan a ‘war on coal’

[Desdemona strongly endorses a War on Coal.] By Sean Cockerham and Erika Bolstad26 June 2013 WASHINGTON (McClatchy Newspapers) – President Barack Obama’s plan to curb climate change could transform American energy, potentially dealing a blow to the coal-fired power plants that supply much of the nation’s electricity but also pump planet-warming gases into the atmosphere. […]

Military report: America has ‘misguided’ fixation with domestic drilling – ‘The increased domestic production of oil and natural gas is not a panacea for the country’s energy security dilemma’

By John H. Cushman Jr.24 June 2013 WASHINGTON (InsideClimate News) – A new report from the U.S. Center for Naval Analyses and the London-based Royal United Services Institute, two of the NATO alliance’s front-line strategy centers, recommends putting more effort into fighting global warming than securing reliable supplies of fossil fuels. The authors call the […]

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