More than 100 scientists warn Ecuador Congress against oil development in Yasuní National Park – ‘They are not nibbling around the edges of the park anymore, but going deep into the core’

By Jeremy Hance 3 October 2013 ( – Over 100 scientists have issued a statement to the Ecuadorian Congress warning that proposed oil development and accompanying roads in Yasuní National Park will degrade its “extraordinary biodiversity.” The statement by a group dubbed the Scientists Concerned for Yasuní outlines in detail how the park is not […]

Russia charges Greenpeace activists with piracy – ‘Most serious threat to Greenpeace’s peaceful environmental activism’ since its ship Rainbow Warrior was bombed and sunk by France

By Steve Gutterman, with additional reporting by Maria Tsvetkova; Writing by Steve Gutterman; Editing by Timothy Heritage and Angus MacSwan2 October 2013 MOSCOW (Reuters) – Russian authorities charged Greenpeace activists from several nations with piracy on Wednesday over a protest against Arctic oil drilling at a platform owned by the state-controlled energy company Gazprom, the […]

Sonar used by oil company caused mass whale stranding in Madagascar

By Katie Moore, Program Director-Animal Rescue 26 September 2013 (IFAW) – Four years ago I rushed to Madagascar to help stop over 100 melon-headed whales from stranding and dying along the islands’ shores. Like most cetacean species, melon-headed whales are very social animals. They rely on sound for communication and echolocation that are essential to […]

Norway abandons Mongstad carbon capture plans – ‘The development of technologies to capture and store CO2 has taken longer, been more difficult and more costly than expected’

20 September 2013 (BBC News) – The outgoing government in Norway has buried much-vaunted plans to capture carbon dioxide and store it underground amid mounting costs and delays. The oil and energy ministry said the development of full-scale carbon dioxide capture at Mongstad oil refinery had been discontinued. It said it remained committed to research […]

Video: Russian guards ‘storm Greenpeace ship’ protesting Arctic drilling platform – Thirty activists held in ‘illegal boarding of a peaceful protest ship’

Petition: Tell Russia to Release Greenpeace Activists 20 September 2013 (Channel 4 News) – Russian officials with guns storm a Greenpeace ship protesting oil drilling in Russia’s Arctic waters. Thirty activists, including six Britons, are still being held, the environmental group says. The Arctic Sunrise crew were placed under armed guard at 7pm on Thursday […]

Thousands of oil and gas wells underwater in Colorado – State monitoring 10 separate oil and gas spills

Patrick J. Kiger19 September 2013 (National Geographic) – In the wake of unprecedented massive flooding over thousands of square miles in Colorado, government officials and private companies are rushing to secure the region’s heavy concentration of oil and natural gas wells, and prevent dangerous chemicals and toxic waste from contaminating the region’s water.  (See related […]

Drilling in wild Arctic seas threatens cultural traditions and marine life

By Frances Beinecke28 August 2013 (NRDC) – Earlier this summer, I walked along the spit of land where the Chukchi Sea meets the Beaufort Sea at the top of Alaska. As our group looked out at pack-ice sculpted by wind and water currents, our local guide told us about the Inupiat whaling crew captained by […]

BP loses renewed bid to halt oil spill settlement payments – ‘No credible evidence of fraud’

By Margaret Cronin Fisk28 August 2013 (Bloomberg) – BP Plc lost a renewed bid to suspend payments from the court-supervised program administering its settlement of claims tied to the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill. An investigation of alleged wrongdoing at the Mobile, Alabama, claims assistance center didn’t find “any credible evidence of fraud,” U.S. […]

Seeking food and supplies, isolated Peru tribe tries to make contact, sparking standoff

By Frank Bajak20 August 2013 LIMA, Peru (AP) – Members of an Indian tribe that has long lived in voluntary isolation in Peru’s southeastern Amazon attempted to make contact with outsiders for a second time since 2011, leading to a tense standoff at a river hamlet. Authorities are unsure what provoked the three-day encounter, but […]

U.S. government underestimated contamination in Gulf of Mexico after Deepwater Horizon oil spill – ‘To see NOAA doing this, that’s inexcusable’

By HENRY FOUNTAIN19 August 2013 (The New York Times) – An analysis of water, sediment, and seafood samples taken in 2010 during and after the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has found higher contamination levels in some cases than previous studies by federal agencies did, casting doubt on some of the earlier sampling […]

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