Tar washing ashore shows Gulf of Mexico coast not back to normal

By Chase Martin4 April 2014 (LiveScience) – Florida’s Gulf Coast is renowned for its soft white beaches, balmy weather, and calm, clear waters. It’s also infamous for being a mecca of debris from oil-rig related tragedies, which until recently, were thought to have mostly finished their attack on Gulf-Coast beaches. But even after four years, […]

U.S. now in the terminal stage of fossil-fuel addiction

By Michael T. Klare  1 April 2014  (The Nation) – Of all the preposterous, irresponsible headlines that have appeared on the front page of The New York Times in recent years, few have exceeded the inanity of this one from early March: “US Hopes Boom in Natural Gas Can Curb Putin.” The article by normally […]

25 years after Exxon Valdez, we still haven’t learned to limit oil drilling

By  Frances Beinecke28 March 2014 (Washington Post) – Twenty-five years ago this month, the Exxon Valdez struck a reef in Alaska’s Prince William Sound and dumped 11 million gallons of crude oil into the water. The public was shocked by photos of oil-soaked otters and reports that coastal residents had lost their livelihoods. The cleanup effort […]

Study blames BP oil spill for heart defects in fish – ‘They can’t swim as fast, so they are either going to get eaten or they won’t be able to eat enough. That leads to reduced survival.’

By Arielle Duhaime-Ross24 March 2014 (The Verge) – Last December, scientists announced that dolphins in Louisiana were experiencing lung diseases and low birthrates in the wake of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill that released more than 636 million liters of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico in 2010. Now, researchers have also found evidence […]

Frack the USA: New map shows 1 million oil, gas wells

By Bobby Magill27 March 2014 (Climate Central) – If you’re wondering where oil and gas production and hydraulic fracturing are happening near you, FracTracker has a new mapping tool that will help you find out. Researchers at FracTracker, an independent oil and gas research group that started as a mapping project at the University of […]

This year’s World Water Day focuses on water and energy, but energy companies seem complacent about water risks

By Dave Tickner    21 March 2014 (Guardian Professional) – All hydro, no power? Yesterday afternoon I made a list. I’d like to share it with you: Alon, Solar Alliance, Eskom, GDF Suez, Iberdrola, Ranhill Berhad, Sasol. Can you guess what it’s about? If not, don’t fret. All will be revealed. I made the list while […]

Koch Group, spending freely, hones attack on government – ‘The notion that two billionaires are bankrolling Republican candidates because they support an agenda that is good for the Koch brothers and bad for middle-class families is very persuasive to voters’

By CARL HULSE and ASHLEY PARKER20 March 2014 WASHINGTON (The New York Times) – Americans for Prosperity — the group backed by David H. and Charles G. Koch that has been pouring millions of dollars into competitive Senate races to the rising alarm of Democrats — was also among the politically active groups on the […]

EPA urged to ban dumping of offshore fracking chemicals into California’s ocean

Contact: Miyoko Sakashita, (415) 632-5308, miyoko@biologicaldiversity.org  26 February 2014 SAN FRANCISCO (CBD) – The Center for Biological Diversity today filed a legal petition urging the Environmental Protection Agency to stop oil and gas companies from dumping toxic chemicals from fracking directly into ocean waters off California. About half the oil platforms in the Santa Barbara […]

Health experts warn of water contamination from California drought – Wildfire conditions are ‘what we would usually see in August’

By Sharon Bernstein; Editing by Richard Borsuk18 February 2014 SACRAMENTO, California (Reuters) – California’s drought has put 10 communities at acute risk of running out of drinking water in 60 days, and worsened numerous other health and safety problems, public health officials in the most populous U.S. state said on Tuesday. Rural communities where residents […]

Alberta tar sands toxins with Keystone XL link underestimated – ‘The officially reported emissions are very likely too low’

By Bobby Magill3 February 2014 (Climate Central) – One of the biggest concerns about producing crude oil from the Alberta tar sands is its impact on climate change, which has been a major part of the debate about whether the Keystone XL Pipeline should be built. A new University of Toronto-Scarborough study published Monday says […]

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