Texas gas town considers banning fracking – ‘We had no choice’

  By EMILY SCHMALL 19 June 2014 DENTON, Texas (AP) – Natural gas money has been good to this Texas city: It has new parks, a new golf course and miles of grassy soccer fields. The business district is getting a makeover, and the airport is bustling, too. For more than a decade, Denton has […]

Oil drilling has contaminated western Amazon rainforest, study confirms

By Becky Oskin, Senior Writer14 June 2014 SACRAMENTO, California (LiveScience.com) – Peru’s Amazon rainforest is extensively contaminated from decades of oil and gas drilling, researchers reported yesterday (June 12) here at the annual Goldschmidt geochemistry conference. In the past decade, volatile demonstrations by indigenous groups and tangled lawsuits against oil companies have exposed the toxic […]

Sick sea lions flood shelters in California – Pups wash ashore all along the coast amid what scientists say are strains on the ocean

By Jim Carlton 6 June 2014 SAUSALITO, California – Record numbers of distressed sea lions have washed ashore in California for a second straight year, the latest example of a marine mammal facing severe problems amid what biologists say is overfishing and other human-caused strains on the world’s oceans. From January through May, a record […]

Ecuador signs permits for oil drilling in Amazon’s Yasuní national park – Companies could start extracting oil underneath key biodiversity reserve by 2016

By Adam Vaughan    23 May 2014   (theguardian.com) – Drilling for oil in a part of the Amazon rainforest considered one of the most biodiverse hotspots on the planet is to go ahead less than a year after Ecuador’s president lifted a moratorium on oil drilling there. Last August, Rafeal Correa scrapped a pioneering scheme, […]

The U.S. shale oil ‘miracle’ disappears – Monterey formation downgraded by 96 percent

By Chris Martenson21 May 2014 (PeakProsperity.com) – The US shale oil “miracle” has about as much believability left as Jimmy Swaggart. Just today, we learned that the EIA has placed a hefty downward revision on its estimate of the amount of recoverable oil in the #1 shale reserve in the US, the Monterey in California. […]

BP mounts last-ditch effort to limit Gulf of Mexico oil spill settlement, appeals to U.S. supreme court after finding financial awards vastly exceed its expectations

By Terry Macalister    21 May 2014   (theguardian.com) – BP last night mounted a last ditch attempt to limit the costs of its settlement for the victims of the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill by lodging an appeal to the US supreme court to make a final ruling. Earlier this week the British oil […]

Fracking causes rare earthquake warning for Oklahoma – ‘The rate of earthquakes increased dramatically in March and April’

By Becky Oskin, Senior Writer5 May 2014 (LiveScience) – Mile for mile, there are almost as many earthquakes rattling Oklahoma as California this year. This major increase in seismic shaking led to a rare earthquake warning today (May 5) from the U.S. Geological Survey and the Oklahoma Geological Survey. In a joint statement, the agencies […]

The Koch attack on solar energy

By THE EDITORIAL BOARD26 APRIL 2014 (The New York Times) – At long last, the Koch brothers and their conservative allies in state government have found a new tax they can support. Naturally it’s a tax on something the country needs: solar energy panels. For the last few months, the Kochs and other big polluters […]

Ecuador will have referendum on fate of Yasuní National Park after activists collect over 700,000 signatures

By Jeremy Hance16 April 2014 (mongabay.com) – In what is a major victory for environmentalists, campaigners with United for Yasuní have collected 727,947 signatures triggering a national referendum on whether or not oil drilling should proceed in three blocs of Yasuní National Park in Ecuador. The effort started last year after Ecuador’s President, Rafael Correa, […]

ExxonMobil says climate change unlikely to stop it selling fossil fuels

1 April 2014 (Associated Press) – On the same day the world’s scientists issued their latest report on climate change and the risks it poses to society, America’s biggest oil and gas company said the world’s climate policies are “highly unlikely” to stop it from selling fossil fuels far into the future. Exxon Mobil issued […]

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