Leave fossil fuels buried to prevent climate change, study urges – ‘We’ve binged to the edge of our own destruction’

By Damian Carrington7 January 2015 (The Guardian) – Vast amounts of oil in the Middle East, coal in the US, Australia, and China and many other fossil fuel reserves will have to be left in the ground to prevent dangerous climate change, according to the first analysis to identify which existing reserves cannot be burned. […]

Fracking confirmed as cause of rare ‘felt’ earthquake in Ohio – ‘This activity did not create a new fault, rather it activated one that we didn’t know about’

Media contact: Nan Broadbent, Seismological Society of America, press@seismosoc.org    SAN FRANCISCO, 5 January 2015 (SSA) – A new study links the March 2014 earthquakes in Poland Township, Ohio to hydraulic fracturing that activated a previously unknown fault. The induced seismic sequence included a rare felt earthquake of magnitude 3.0, according to research published online by […]

Image of the Day: Oil spill in Israel’s Evrona Nature Reserve, 4 December 2014

By Emily Atkin 4 December 2014 (Climate Progress) – A nature reserve has been flooded with oil and more than 80 people have been hospitalized from exposure to toxic fumes after approximately 600,000 gallons of crude oil spilled from a pipeline in southern Israel on Wednesday, according to media reports there. The massive spill, which […]

The downside of the oil boom in North Dakota

By DEBORAH SONTAG and ROBERT GEBELOFF    22 November 2014 Williston, North Dakota (The New York Times) — In early August 2013, Arlene Skurupey of Blacksburg, Va., got an animated call from the normally taciturn farmer who rents her family land in Billings County, N.D. There had been an accident at the Skurupey 1-9H oil well. […]

Leaked: The oil lobby’s conspiracy to kill off California’s climate law

By Brad Wieners      25 November 2014 (Bloomberg Businessweek) – […] As they say, it’s not paranoia if they really are out to delay, rewrite, or kill off a meaningful effort to reduce the build-up of carbon in the Earth’s atmosphere. A Powerpoint (MSFT) deck now being circulated by climate activists—a copy of which was sent […]

What happened to the oil from the Deepwater Horizon disaster? ‘Oil trapped in the deep ocean from this event fell to the seafloor, like a light mist settling over approximately 3,200 square kilometers’

By James Urton, special to mongabay.com 24 November 2014 (mongabay.com) – Images from the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster endure, from the collapsing platform to oil-fouled coastline. But beneath the surface is a story photographers cannot as easily capture. Two days after the April 20, 2010 explosion that killed 11 and injured 16, the Deepwater Horizon […]

Despite phase-out promise, the G20 still heavily subsidize fossil fuels

13 November 2014 (Planet Experts) – To prevent potentially catastrophic climate change, the world’s largest economies agreed to phase out their subsidies for carbon-emitting fossil fuels in 2009. That anthropogenic (man-made) greenhouse gas emissions are influencing the global climate is now almost without dispute. The latest report from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate […]

Graph of the Day: World growth in total fossil fuel consumption versus growth in wind and solar, 1990-2013

By Rune Likvern 10 October 2014 (Fractional Flow) – […] The Race between Fossil Fuels and Renewables By putting the growth between fossil fuels and renewables into a perspective, it demonstrates how dependent our economies, our wealth and well beings are upon fossil fuels. Looking at the growth in total fossil fuels versus renewables consumption […]

Pollution is the greatest threat facing whales today: whale researcher Dr. Roger Payne

4 November 2014 (SSCS) – For more than four decades, environmentalist, Dr. Roger Payne, famous in the scientific world for discovering that humpback whales sing and communicate across the world’s oceans, has known a thing or two about the plight of the great whales and the oceans. He contends that while it is crucial to […]

How did the U.S. become a society that’s suspicious of science? – ‘How did bay-at-the-moon lunacy come to occupy a more prominent place in our public discourse than textbook science?’

By Keith M. Parsons15 October 2014 (Huffington Post) – I grew up in the heroic age of American science and engineering. In my lifetime, the space program put men on the moon, the interstate highway system connected the continent, Salk and Sabin conquered polio, and computers went from room-sized behemoths to hand-held wonders. In my […]

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