Document shows Canadian government has been fully aware of tar sands dangers

By Jennifer Skene10 June 2015 (NRDC) – A document recently released under Canada’s access-to-information law reveals that Canadian government officials have been aware of the proliferation of contaminants associated with tar sands mining even as they continues to promote industry expansion with minimal regulation. The January 2015 briefing note, prepared for Natural Resources Minister Greg […]

Can you make a wind turbine without fossil fuels?

This is a question that Des has pondered frequently. Carbon Counter gives us a nice analysis. 11 June 2015 (Carbon Counter) – Various scenarios have been put forward showing that 100% renewable energy is achievable. Some of them even claim that we can move completely away from fossil fuels in only couple of decades. A […]

BP Energy Outlook 2035: Carbon emissions to rise 1 percent per year, or 25 percent to 2035 – ‘A trajectory significantly above the path recommended by scientists’

17 February 2015 (BP) – Despite the dramatic recent weakening in global energy markets, ongoing economic expansion in Asia – particularly in China and India – will drive continued growth in the world’s demand for energy over the next 20 years. According to the new edition of the BP Energy Outlook 2035, global demand for […]

Louisiana governor signs bill to kill lawsuit against oil, gas companies – ‘I’m sure BP will use it for appeals’

By Julia O’Donoghue6 June 2014 (The Times-Picayune) – Gov. Bobby Jindal has signed legislation aimed at killing a lawsuit filed by a New Orleans area regional levee board against 97 oil and gas companies, despite concerns that the new law could negatively affect state and government claims against BP over the 2010 Gulf of Mexico […]

Did the EPA just say fracking is safe? Depends who you ask.

By Sarah Caspari8 June 2015 (Christian Science Monitor) – The Environmental Protection Agency’s recent report on hydraulic fracturing, more commonly known as fracking, may have given oil and gas companies cause for celebration, but the report’s conditions and exceptions drew enough attention to keep the debate alive. Proponents of fracking rejoiced at the EPA’s announcement […]

Photo gallery: Seattle kayakers protest Shell’s Polar Pioneer drilling rig

17 May 2015 (Grist) – An estimated 500 climate activists took to kayaks, canoes, paddleboards, and even a solar-powered party barge on Saturday to tell Shell to get the hell out of Seattle. Rallying cry: #sHellNo! The oil giant brought a huge drilling rig, the Polar Pioneer, to the city’s port on Thursday, over objections […]

Alberta forest fire forces evacuation of oilsands facilities

23 May 2015 (CBC News) – Cenovus Energy and Canadian Natural Resources Limited have evacuated their facilities within the Cold Lake Air Weapons range, close to Alberta’s eastern border, due to an out-of-control forest fire in the area. “Yesterday, CNRL evacuated their plant facilities in the Primrose area and then, last night at 11 o’clock, […]

‘Epic’ flooding on Alaska’s Dalton Highway hinders North Slope oil operations

By Alex DeMarban21 May 2015 DEADHORSE (Alaska Dispatch News) – Unprecedented flooding continues to interfere with daily operations on the North Slope oil patch after surging waters wiped away swaths of the Dalton Highway and isolated a section of Deadhorse, the jumping-off point for the sprawling industrial region. “This is just epic,” said Mike Coffey, […]

U.S. agencies fear Gulf oil spill could persist 100 years or more if unchecked

By ERIC TUCKER and MICHAEL KUNZELMAN25 May 2015 WASHINGTON (AP) – A decade-old oil leak where an offshore platform toppled during a hurricane could continue spilling crude into the Gulf of Mexico for a century or more if left unchecked, according to government estimates obtained by The Associated Press that provide new details about the […]

Student chains self to Shell oil vessel in Bellingham Bay

22 May 2015 (The Western Front) – Western Washington University student and activist Chiara D’Angelo boarded the Shell Oil Company vessel Arctic Challenger in Bellingham Bay and fastened herself to the vessel’s anchor chain at approximately 7 p.m. on Friday, May 22, to protest the company’s planned arctic drilling. Around 30 protestors gathered at Cornwall […]

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