Deepwater Horizon oil spill impacted bluefin tuna spawning habitat in Gulf of Mexico – ‘Population shows little evidence of rebuilding’

30 September 2016 (Stanford University) – The Deepwater Horizon oil spill was one of the largest environmental disasters in history, releasing roughly 4 million barrels of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico. For Atlantic bluefin tuna, it occurred at the worst time of year, during peak spawning season, when eggs and larval fish that […]

No country on Earth is taking the 2 degree climate target seriously

By David Roberts 4 October 2016 (Vox) – One of the morbidly fascinating aspects of climate change is how much cognitive dissonance it generates, in individuals and nations alike. The more you understand the brutal logic of climate change — what it could mean, the effort necessary to forestall it — the more the intensity […]

Feds say they won’t evict Native American protesters at Dakota Access pipeline camp

By James MacPherson2 October 2016 BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) – The sprawling encampment that’s a living protest against the four-state Dakota Access pipeline has most everything it needs to be self-sustaining — food, firewood, fresh water and shelter. Everything, that is, except permission to be on the federal land in North Dakota. Federal officials say they […]

Groups slam Republican collusion with oil lobbyists to protect ExxonMobil from climate denial investigations

— So, so why is the Left so intent on trying to win the debate by silencing and de-funding their opponents? Well they have a little problem, we’ve got reality on our side. Let me just point out, here’s, here’s the famous John Christy graph that shows the model results versus the actual beta. The […]

Canada approves $36 billion LNG ‘carbon bomb’ on B.C. coast

By Derrick O’Keefe27 September 2016 (Ricochet) – On Tuesday evening in Richmond, B.C., three members of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s cabinet announced the approval of a $36-billion liquefied natural gas development by the Malaysian-based multinational corporation Petronas, which would see natural gas moved by pipeline from the province’s northeast to a terminal on the coast, […]

Video: Standing Rock Sioux activists surrounded by police – ‘They are arresting everyone now. Everyone is running.’

28 September 2016 ( – Today, indigenous water protectors once again arrived at a Dakota Access Pipeline construction site to halt work and hold prayer ceremonies. Police arrived with several military-style armored vehicles, and threatened water protectors with shotguns. We are hearing reports of up to 21 arrests. Livestream footage clip: Live video: “They […]

American Geophysical Union affirms financial relationship with ExxonMobil despite protests of scientists

23 September 2016 (Desdemona Despair) – In spite of widespread condemnation from scientists, the Board of Directors of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) has decided to continue accepting corporate sponsorship from ExxonMobil. Peter Frumhoff, director of science and policy at the Union of Concerned Scientists, wrote earlier this month: To many AGU member scientists, and […]

U.S. bill seeks first Native American land grab in 100 years ‘to divest the Ute Indian Tribe of their ancestral homelands’

19 September 2016 (teleSUR) – Two U.S. congresspeople will propose in the coming weeks a bill that would see thousands of acres of Indigenous lands turned into oil drilling zones. Two Republican congresspeople are seeking to pass a controversial bill through the U.S. House of Representatives that would seek the first land grab of Native […]

Video: Standing Rock Sioux chairman takes Dakota Access Pipeline protest to the United Nations – ‘We stand in peace but have been met with violence’

20 September 2016 (Indian Law Resource Center) – Today Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Chairman David Archambault II addressed the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland, to build international opposition to the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline near the reservation. “Thousands have gathered peacefully in Standing Rock in solidarity against the pipeline,” said […]

In a hungry Venezuela, buying too much food can get you arrested

By Mariana Zuñiga and Nick Miroff 15 September 2016 BARQUISIMETO, Venezuela (Washington Post) – The hunt for food started at 4 a.m., when Alexis Camascaro woke up to get in line outside the supermarket. By the time he arrived, there were already 100 people ahead of him. Camascaro never made it inside. Truckloads of Venezuelan […]

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