Trump preparing order to expand offshore oil drilling

By Jennifer A Dlouhy6 April 2017 (Bloomberg) – President Donald Trump is preparing to issue an executive order with the goal of giving oil companies more opportunities to drill offshore, reversing Obama-era policies that restricted the activity. The offshore drilling directive is set to be issued soon, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke told an industry conference […]

Photo gallery: Native Americans protest the Dakota Access Pipeline project at the White House

11 March 2017 (White Wolf Pack) – Thousands of Native American demonstrators and their supporters marched to the White House to voice outrage at the Dakota Access Pipeline project. The protest follows months of demonstrations in a remote part of North Dakota, where the Standing Rock Sioux tribe demonstrated in an attempt to stop the […]

Trump to drop global warming from U.S. government environmental reviews

By Jennifer A Dlouhy14 March 2017 (Bloomberg) – President Donald Trump is set to sign a sweeping directive to dramatically shrink the role climate change plays in decisions across the government, ranging from appliance standards to pipeline approvals, according to a person familiar with the administration’s plan. The order, which could be signed this week, […]

Canada PM Justin Trudeau says, “No country would find 173 billion barrels of oil in the ground and just leave them”, gets a standing ovation at Texas energy conference

By Jeremy Berke 10 March 2017 (Business Insider) – Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau received an unusually warm reception of his keynote address at an energy industry conference in Texas on Thursday evening. “No country would find 173 billion barrels of oil in the ground and just leave them there,” Trudeau said in his address […]

White House issues corporate press release on behalf of ExxonMobil

By Josh Voorhees6 March 2017 (Slate) – […] The two statements had plenty more in common than simply the topic. A snippet from the Exxon release: ExxonMobil is strategically investing in new refining and chemical-manufacturing projects in the U.S. Gulf Coast region to expand its manufacturing and export capacity. The company’s Growing the Gulf expansion […]

Thousands of emails detail EPA head’s close ties to fossil fuel industry

By Brady Dennis and Steven Mufson 22 February 2017 (The Washington Post) – In his previous role as Oklahoma’s attorney general, the Environmental Protection Agency’s new administrator regularly huddled with fossil fuel firms and electric utilities about how to combat federal environmental regulations and spoke to conservative political groups about what they called government “overreach,” […]

Fish affected by Deepwater Horizon oil spill give clues to air pollution and human heart disease

16 February 2017 (The University of Manchester) – A study by Manchester and Stanford scientists into the effects on fish of a 2010 oil disaster could shed new light on how air pollution affects humans’ hearts. The 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster resulted in a major oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, an area of […]

Republicans begin effort to gut the Endangered Species Act

16 February 2017 (The Week) – On Wednesday, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee held hearings on legislation to “modernize” the Endangered Species Act, part of a push by Republicans to roll back environmental regulations and protections. The Republicans on the committee, led by Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), and three of the five witnesses […]

In Australia and the US, sound climate policy is being held hostage by vested interests – “A new Dark Age of climate politics”

By Michael Mann and Christopher Wright6 February 2017 (The Guardian) – It’s been a bad couple of weeks for the world’s climate and environment. The inauguration of billionaire property developer and reality TV star Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States has presaged a new Dark Age of climate politics. In an […]

Trump’s EPA nominee is cozy with the energy sector

By Niv Sultan 24 January 2017 (Center or Responsive Politics) – Scott Pruitt’s confirmation hearing last week involved some pointed visual props. Making the case that Pruitt, the Oklahoma attorney general who is President Trump’s nominee to head the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), is cozy with the energy sector, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) held up […]

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