Gas pipelines supplying Europe “in real danger from exploding tundra” warns scientist

10 July 2017 (The Siberian Times) – New analysis by satellite and helicopter shows  gas pipelines run right over swelling tundra which is deeply unstable due to the release of underground methane that had been frozen in permafrost – now thawing – for thousands of years, revealed Russia’s leading expert on the new phenomenon, Professor […]

Climate impacts of super-giant oilfields go up with age

17 July 2017 By Ker Than (Stanford News) – Even oilfields aren’t immune to the ravages of time: A new study finds that as some of the world’s largest oilfields age, the energy required to keep them operating can rise dramatically even as the amount of petroleum they produce drops.Failing to take the changing energy […]

Emails show Iraq War PR alums led propaganda campaign to discredit Dakota Access protesters

By Steve Horn and Curtis Waltman 20 July 2017 (MuckRock) – Behind the scenes, as law enforcement officials tried to stem protests against the Dakota Access pipeline, alumni from the George W. Bush White House were leading a crisis communications effort to discredit pipeline protesters.Emails show that the firms Delve and Off the Record Strategies, […]

Oil spills perturb entire ocean food webs – Gulf of Mexico ecosystem may never recover

Heidelberg, New York, 10 July 2017 (Springer Nature) – Oil spills not only have a direct impact on species and habitats, but may also set off a cascade of perturbations that affect the entire food web. These are the findings of new research published in an article in the special issue on Ocean Spills and […]

U.S. owns 700 million barrels of oil. Trump wants to sell it.

By Catherine Traywick and Dan Murtaugh 21 July 2017(Bloomberg) – The weather was hot and humid on 21 July 1977, the day the U.S. government began stockpiling oil. It started small. Just 412,000 barrels of Saudi Arabian light crude stashed in a Southeast Texas salt cavern. In the wake of the Arab oil embargo, which […]

Senate energy bill would fan the flames of climate change

By Wenonah Hauter and Bill Mckibben 15 July 2017 (The Hill) – In a frantic attempt to demonstrate that Senate Republicans are capable of governing despite their shameful attempt to yank health insurance away from 22 million Americans, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) moved in late June to advance a huge, 800-page energy bill to […]

Increased reliance on natural gas in the power sector risks an emissions lock-in – “Natural gas is not as clean as often thought”

22 June 2017 (Climate Action Tracker) – The future of natural gas is limited, even as a bridging fuel. Continued investments into the sector create the risk of breaching the Paris Agreement’s long-term temperature goal and will result in stranded assets, the Climate Action Tracker (CAT) said today.As part of its decarbonisation series, the CAT […]

These “missing charts” may change the way you think about fossil fuel addiction

By Barry Saxifrage 13 July 2017 (National Observer) – To address the twin threats of climate change and ocean acidification, nearly every nation has promised to reduce fossil fuel burning. But so far, humanity keeps burning ever more. Last year we did it again, burning an all-time record amount.That’s according to data compiled from the […]

Marin County sues energy companies over climate risks

By Richard Halstead, Marin Independent Journal 17 July 2017 (Marin Independent Journal) – Marin County sued 37 oil, gas, and coal companies Monday asserting the companies knew their fossil fuel products would cause sea level rise and coastal flooding but failed to reduce their greenhouse gas pollution. The lawsuit was part of a coordinated litigation […]

Appeals court rules against EPA in methane gas regulations – “This ruling slams the brakes on the Trump administration’s brazen efforts to put the interests of corporate polluters ahead of protecting the public and the environment”

3 July 2017 (VOA News) – A U.S. federal appeals court ruled Monday that Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt lacks the authority to suspend rules that oil and gas companies monitor and fix methane gas leaks. Two of the three judges on the panel wrote that an order delaying such a rule is the […]

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