Monbiot: Why are the crucial questions about Hurricane Harvey not being asked? “By failing to make the obvious link and talk about climate breakdown, media organisations help push the world toward catastrophe”

By George Monbiot29 August 2017(The Guardian) – It is not only Donald Trump’s government that censors the discussion of climate change; it is the entire body of polite opinion. This is why, though the links are clear and obvious, most reports on Hurricane Harvey have made no mention of the human contribution to it.In 2016 […]

We’re nowhere near prepared for the ecological disaster that Harvey is becoming – “Repeatedly over the past 15 years, the Texas legislature refused to pass any plan to adapt to climate change”

By Charles P. Pierce 30 August 2017 (Esquire) – It is the Christian thing to do in the middle of tragedies like the one currently unfolding along the Texas-Louisiana Gulf coast not to politicize human suffering and, certainly, the stories of people rescuing their fellow citizens from this calamity deserve to be told and they […]

Methane from tundra, ocean floor didn’t spike during previous natural warming period – “A greater percentage of the methane in the atmosphere today is due to human activities, including oil drilling, and the extraction and transport of natural gas”

By Mark Floyd 23 August 2017CORVALLIS, Oregon (OSU) – Scientists concerned that global warming may release huge stores of methane from reservoirs beneath Arctic tundra and deposits of marine hydrates – a theory known as the “clathrate gun” hypothesis – have turned to geologic history to search for evidence of significant methane release during past […]

Harvey is what climate change looks like – Harvey is the third 500-year flood to hit the Houston area in the past three years

By Eric Holthaus 28 August 2017 (Politico) – In all of U.S. history, there’s never been a storm like Hurricane Harvey. That fact is increasingly clear, even though the rains are still falling and the water levels in Houston are still rising. But there’s an uncomfortable point that, so far, everyone is skating around: We […]

First tanker crosses Arctic sea route without ice breaker

By Matt McGrath 24 August 2017 (BBC News) – A commercial LNG tanker has sailed across the colder, northern route from Europe to Asia without the protection of an ice-breaker for the first time.The specially-built ship completed the crossing in just six-and-a-half days setting a new record, according to the tanker’s Russian owners.The 300-metre-long Sovcomflot […]

Trump Attorney sues Greenpeace over Dakota Access in $300 million racketeering case – “This is the second consecutive year Donald Trump’s go-to attorneys at the Kasowitz law firm have filed a meritless lawsuit against Greenpeace”

By Steve Horn 22 August 2017 (Desmog) – Energy Transfer Partners, owner of the Dakota Access pipeline, has filed a $300 million Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) lawsuit against Greenpeace and other environmental groups for their activism against the long-contested North Dakota-to-Illinois project.In its 187-page complaint, Energy Transfer alleges that “putative not-for-profits and rogue […]

Fossil fuel subsidies are a staggering $5 trillion per year

By John Abraham 7 August 2017 (The Guardian) – Fossil fuels have two major problems that paint a dim picture for their future energy dominance. These problems are inter-related but still should be discussed separately. First, they cause climate change. We know that, we’ve known it for decades, and we know that continued use of […]

How fossil fuel money made climate change denial the Word of God

By Brendan O’Connor 11 August 2017 (Splinter) – In 2005, at its annual meeting in Washington, D.C., the National Association of Evangelicals was on the verge of doing something novel: affirming science.Specifically, the 30-million-member group, which represents 51 Christian denominations, was debating how to advance a new platform called “For the Health of a Nation.” […]

Trump Interior Department could cost taxpayers at least $60 million by rolling back Obama rule

By Dino Grandoni 9 August 2017(The Washington Post) – During his confirmation hearing for the job of running the Department of the Interior, Ryan Zinke told the Senate he wanted taxpayers to get “fair value” on resources extracted from public lands by private companies. But a recent move by him means taxpayers will get millions […]

“Dodgy” greenhouse gas data threatens Paris accord – “We see methane going up. The warming impact from that methane is enough to derail Paris”

By Matt McGrath 7 August 2017 (BBC News) – Potent, climate warming gases are being emitted into the atmosphere but are not being recorded in official inventories, a BBC investigation has found. Air monitors in Switzerland have detected large quantities of one gas coming from a location in Italy. However, the Italian submission to the […]

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