Video: War on the EPA

11 October 2017 (PBS) – How did Scott Pruitt go from fighting the EPA to running the agency and rolling back years of environmental protections? With access to key players behind his rise, War on the EPA is an inside look at the triumphant ascent of the anti-regulatory movement in America.  War on the EPA

Trump administration ordered to enforce methane restrictions launched under President Obama

By Evan Halper 6 October 2017 (The Los Angeles Times) – The Trump administration is not giving up on its effort to block Obama-era restrictions on the release of potent methane emissions at oil and gas drilling operations on public land, even after a federal judge ruled its suspension of the restrictions was illegal. The […]

Peru urged to ban oil firms from isolated indigenous peoples’ land

By David Hill 6 October 2017 (The Guardian) – There are more indigenous peoples living in “isolation” in Peru than any country in the world except Brazil. All live in the Amazon – the majority in poorly-protected reserves, or areas where reserves have been proposed but never established, or “protected natural areas” such as national […]

The desperate but effective attempts to silence climate scientists

By Jeremy Deaton 28 September 2017 (NexusMedia) – People play dirty when they can’t win by playing fair. This is, more or less, the story of climate change denial in the United States.Scientists overwhelmingly agree that humans are altering the climate, reaping changes with potentially catastrophic consequences. Climate deniers can’t dispute the data. They can’t […]

Big Oil must pay for climate change. Now we can calculate how much

By Peter C Frumhoff and Myles Allen 7 September 2017 (The Guardian) – As communities in coastal Texas and Louisiana confront the damage wrought by Hurricane Harvey, another hurricane, Irma, fueled by abnormally warm waters, is barreling into the Caribbean and threatening Puerto Rico and Florida.We know that the costs of both hurricanes will be […]

This weather is not normal. And it will only get worse. “How many more lives must be destroyed by historic hurricanes, floods, and wildfires before the government admits that climate change is a problem?”

By Emily Atkin 7 September 2017 (New Republic) – The days leading up to Hurricane Harvey’s landfall in Texas last week were some of the most nerve-wracking in meteorological history. Forecasters watched helplessly as a true monster storm—one that would eventually become the most extreme rain event in recorded American history—moved toward Houston, the country’s […]

A third of wells shut down at site of troubled natural gas facility in California

By Brian Melley 12 September 2017 LOS ANGELES (Associated Press) – The largest gas storage facility in the West halted using a third of the wells pumping methane underground at high pressure just weeks after it resumed operations following a blowout that crippled it for nearly two years.Southern California Gas Co. said Monday it notified […]

A two-decade crusade by conservative charities fueled Trump’s exit from Paris climate accord

By Robert O’Harrow Jr. 5 September 2017 (The Washington Post) – Myron Ebell stood in bright sunlight as President Trump stepped into the Rose Garden and spoke. “In order to fulfill my solemn duty to protect America and its citizens,” Trump said to rowdy applause, “the United States will withdraw from the Paris climate accord.” […]

Katharine Hayhoe: I was an Exxon-funded climate scientist

By Katharine Hayhoe 24 August 2017 (The Conversation) – ExxonMobil’s deliberate attempts to sow doubt on the reality and urgency of climate change and their donations to front groups to disseminate false information about climate change have been public knowledge for a long time, now.Investigative reports in 2015 revealed that Exxon had its own scientists […]

Yes, ExxonMobil misled the public about global warming

By Naomi Oreskes and Geoffrey Supran 1 September 2017 (The Los Angeles Times) – In late August, we published the first academic analysis of ExxonMobil’s 40-year history of communications on climate change. We published our findings in an open-access, peer-reviewed journal and made our method and evidence transparent and auditable by publishing 121 pages of […]

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