U.S. withdraws from extractive industries anti-corruption effort– “It sends such a terrible signal overseas for what we stand for”

By Julia Simon; Editing by Tom Brown 2 November 2017 NEW YORK (Reuters) – The United States has withdrawn as an implementing country from the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), an international effort to fight corruption in managing revenues from oil, gas, and mineral extraction. There had been doubts about continued U.S. participation in the […]

Trump to auction off a vast swath of the Gulf of Mexico to oil companies – Gulf is now “a sacrifice zone for the oil and gas industry”

By Darryl Fears 24 October 2017 (The Washington Post) – The Trump administration made history Tuesday in proposing that nearly 77 million acres in the Gulf of Mexico be made available for companies wanting to purchase federal oil and gas leases — the largest offering ever in the United States.In announcing the sale, the Interior […]

Big U.S. corporate names object to Trump’s power plan – Microsoft, Apple, and General Electric among those lobbying against more support for coal

By Ed Crooks 26 October 2017 NEW YORK (Financial Times) – Companies from the technology and oil and gas industries have stepped into the debate over the future of the US electricity system, raising objections to the Trump administration’s plans for new rules to support coal-fired and nuclear power plants.Microsoft, Walmart, ExxonMobil, General Electric, and […]

Oil majors planning for catastrophic 5°C global warming despite publicly backing Paris climate agreement – “Shell and BP want to have their oil and drink it too”

By Ben Chapman 27 October 2017 (The Independent) – Oil giants Shell and BP are planning for global temperatures to rise as much as 5°C by the middle of the century. The level is more than double the upper limit committed to by most countries in the world under the Paris Climate Agreement, which both […]

EPA to its scientists: go away or be quiet – Scott Pruitt is ousting the EPA’s independent science advisers and bringing in fossil-fuel industry insiders

By Umair Irfan  27 October 2017 (Vox) – Scott Pruitt, administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, is taking unprecedented steps to push scientists out of his office.Earlier this month, we learned via the Washington Post that Pruitt may soon be removing science advisers on advisory boards who have received grants from the EPA. “If we […]

Tar Sands pipeline that could rival Keystone XL quietly gets Trump approval

By Nicholas Kusnetz 20 October 2017 (Inside Climate News) – You’ve probably heard of the Keystone XL pipeline. But what about Line 67, also known as the Alberta Clipper?Nine years ago, both were controversial proposals to ship oil from Canada’s tar sands into the United States. But while Keystone XL is still awaiting approval and […]

Tribes decry court decision to let DAPL oil keep flowing in spite of ruling that federal permits authorizing the pipeline violated the law

By Talli Nauman 20 October 2017 WASHINGTON (Native Sun News Today) – A federal judge ruled against tribal arguments on October 11, when he declared that the contested Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) can continue pumping oil across the Missouri River, while the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers finishes an environmental review he ordered on the […]

A string of dangerous accidents in Alaska sends BP reeling, emails show – “We must change now; we must have a reset”

By Zahra Hirji and Jason Leopold 20 October 2017 (BuzzFeed News) – At least 27 accidents happened at BP’s oil and gas operations in Alaska this year, including five that risked the lives of dozens of workers, BuzzFeed News has learned. Now BP’s top officials are scrambling to “reset” the company’s safety culture before one […]

Everything you need to know about the coming Trump Arctic drilling debate – “Americans know that this is one of the last wild corners left”

By Devin Henry 22 October 2017 (The Hill) – The Senate’s budget vote on Thursday was the opening salvo in what’s likely to be a bitter fight over drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). President Trump, key officials in his administration and leading Republicans support drilling in ANWR, an expanse of 19 million […]

Canada methane emissions far worse than feared – “This is a really big deal. If we thought it was bad, it’s worse.”

By Ashifa Kassam 17 October 2017 TORONTO (The Guardian) – Alberta’s oil and gas industry – Canada’s largest producer of fossil fuel resources – could be emitting 25 to 50% more methane than previously believed, new research has suggested.The pioneering peer reviewed study, published in Environmental Science & Technology on Tuesday, used airplane surveys to […]

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