The Republican tax bill could forever alter Alaska’s indigenous tribes: By authorizing oil drilling in Alaska’s vast Arctic wilderness, the bill could enrich Native tribes, or destroy their way of life

By Robinson Meyer 2 December 2017 (The Atlantic) – When Bernadette Demientieff was in high school, she gave up her heritage. Demientieff is a member of the Gwich’in, an indigenous tribe of roughly 9,000 people that spans north-central Alaska and northern Canada. “The ways of living in this world that are being pushed on our […]

Fossil fuels’ fishy new friends: How public affairs firms engineered a “grass-roots” group defending oil and coal investments

By Benjamin Elgin and Zachary Mider 16 November 2017 (Bloomberg Businessweek) – James Short, a retired deputy fire chief, is the founder of an organization called Protect Our Pensions. At least that’s what it says on the group’s website.But ask Short about his role at Protect Our Pensions, formed last year to oppose efforts to […]

Fossil fuel emissions hit record high after unexpected growth in 2017

By Pep Canadell, Corinne Le Quéré, Glen Peters, Robbie Andrew, Rob Jackson, and Vanessa Haverd 13 November 2017 (The Conversation) – Global greenhouse emissions from fossil fuels and industry are on track to grow by 2% in 2017, reaching a new record high of 37 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide, according to the 2017 Global […]

China Energy plans $83.7 billion investment in West Virginia for shale gas development

By Andrea Lannom 10 November 2017 (CNHI News West Virginia) – West Virginia and China Energy have signed a memorandum of understanding announcing a plan in which China Energy would invest $83.7 billion in shale gas development and chemical manufacturing projects in the Mountain State. State Commerce Secretary H. Wood Thrasher and China Energy President […]

U.S. to promote “universal access” to fossil fuels at climate talks

By Valerie Volcovici 12 November 2017 WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The United States hopes to promote wider use of fossil fuels at a global meeting on climate change next week, a White House official said, reflecting the gaping divide between Washington and the rest of the world on the issue of global warming.President Donald Trump’s administration […]

Three quarters of companies worldwide yet to acknowledge global warming as a financial risk – “Even among the world’s largest companies, very few are providing investors with adequate indications of value at risk from climate change”

11 October 2017 (KPMG) – Almost three quarters (72 percent) of large and mid-cap companies worldwide do not acknowledge the financial risks of climate change in their annual financial reports, according to the KPMG Survey of Corporate Responsibility Reporting 2017 published today.Of the minority that do acknowledge climate-related risk, less than one in 20 (4 […]

EPA staffers speak about the agency under Trump – “Do the opposite thing you did 18 months ago”

By Rachel Leven 10 November 2017 (Vox) – Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt doesn’t hide his contempt for how the agency has been run, but he does profess to care about one of its key programs: Superfund, which oversees the cleanup of the nation’s worst toxic waste sites. In April, he toured a site […]

Everything you need to know about the massive Paradise Papers leak

5 November 2017 (Vice News) – A vast new trove of 13.4 million leaked documents dubbed the Paradise Papers have been published by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) exposing the offshore banking activities of more than 120 politicians around the world. Included in the leak are documents connecting U.S. Commerce Secretary and billionaire […]

Demand drop could shut a quarter of global refining capacity in a 2⁰C world

2 November 2017 (Carbon Tracker) – A quarter of global refining capacity could become unviable and be forced to close by 2035 as a swelling tide of climate regulations and rapid advances in clean technologies cut oil demand, finds a report launched today by Carbon Tracker highlighting sector risks for investors.Falling oil demand in a […]

Trump/Russia: Big Carbon’s last monstrous grasp

By Peter Sinclair 1 November 2017 (Climate Denial Crock of the Week) – I’m not a huge Chris Mathews fan, but he’s the first “mainstream” journalist I’ve heard put his finger on what I’ve been saying since the election.  Caught Chris on Colbert’s late show last night. Last time I looked, the Russian mob-ocracy is […]

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