Trump administration targets Obama-era effort to limit methane – “Gutting the rule would allow unchecked waste of natural gas”

By Lisa Friedman 12 February 2018 (The New York Times) – The Trump administration on Monday moved to repeal one of the last unchallenged climate-change regulations rushed into place in the waning days of the Obama presidency — a rule restricting the release of planet-warming methane into the atmosphere. The rule, which applied to companies […]

Tanker ship makes history by taking Arctic sea route in winter without icebreaker – “We can deliver fossil fuels more quickly. It’s like a heavy smoker using his tracheotomy to smoke two cigarettes at once.”

By Josh Gabbatiss 14 February 2018 (The Independent) – A ship has made a winter crossing of the Arctic without an icebreaker for the first time as global warming causes the region’s ice sheets to melt. The tanker, containing liquefied natural gas, is the first commercial vessel to make such a crossing alone during the […]

New study finds cutting oil subsidies won’t stop global warming – Effect of removing fossil fuel subsidies falls far short of reductions promised in Paris Agreement

By Chelsea Harvey 8 February 2018 (ClimateWire) – Ending financial assistance for fossil fuel companies has long been discussed as a tactic to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and encourage investment in renewables. Oil, natural gas and coal companies worldwide receive hundreds of billions of dollars each year in tax breaks or other subsidies—and some experts […]

Shale powers U.S. oil output to heights of 1970

By Ed Crooks 31 January 2018 NEW YORK (Financial Times) – US oil production has returned to its record high point, 47 years after the previous peak during the final days of the last Texas oil boom, as the shale revolution that was temporarily set back by low crude prices has reignited.The government’s Energy Information […]

U.S. oil industry set to break record, upend global trade

By Liz Hampton 15 January 2018 HOUSTON (Reuters) – Surging shale production is poised to push U.S. oil output to more than 10 million barrels per day – toppling a record set in 1970 and crossing a threshold few could have imagined even a decade ago.And this new record, expected within days, likely won’t last […]

Trump administration cancels decades-old protections for migratory birds – 17 former wildlife officials urge Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke to suspend the “ill-conceived” opinion

By Elizabeth Shogren 26 January 2018 (High Country News) – The Trump administration’s environmental rollbacks have sparked a lot of outrage. But one recent action by the Interior Department drew unprecedented protest from a bipartisan group of top officials who go all the way back to the Nixon administration: a new legal opinion that attempts […]

Graph of the Day: Projected U.S. carbon emissions in 2018 and 2019

9 January 2018 (EIA) – Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions: EIA estimates that energy-related emissions of carbon dioxide decreased by 1.0% in 2017 and forecasts these levels to increase by 1.7% in 2018 and by 0.2% in 2019. These forecasts are sensitive to assumptions about weather, economic growth, and fuel prices. EIA: Short-term Energy Outlook 2018

Nearly all members of U.S. National Park Service advisory panel resign in frustration – “Our requests to engage have been ignored and the matters on which we wanted to brief the new Department team are clearly not part of its agenda”

By Juliet Eilperin 16 January 2018 (The Washington Post) – Three-quarters of the members of a federally chartered board advising the National Park Service abruptly quit Monday night out of frustration that Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke had refused to meet with them or convene a single meeting last year.The resignation of nine out of 12 […]

Trump administration plan would widely expand drilling in U.S. continental waters

By Darryl Fears 4 January 2018 (The Washington Post) – The Trump administration unveiled a controversial proposal Thursday to permit drilling in most U.S. continental-shelf waters, including protected areas of the Arctic and the Atlantic, where oil and gas exploration is opposed by governors from New Jersey to Florida, nearly a dozen attorneys general, more […]

Fueling dissent: how the oil industry set out to undercut clean air

By Jie Jenny Zou 14 December 2017 (The Guardian) – On sunny days, when his classmates run out to play, Gabriel Rosales heads to the school nurse for a dose of Albuterol. The fine mist opens his airways, relaxing the muscles in his chest. Without it, recess could leave the nine-year-old gasping for breath. He […]

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