Emails show cooperation among EPA and climate science denialists at Heartland Institute

By Ellen Knickmeyer 26 May 2018 WASHINGTON (Associated Press) – Newly released emails show senior Environmental Protection Agency officials working closely with a conservative group that dismisses climate change to rally like-minded people for public hearings on science and global warming, counter negative news coverage, and promote Administrator Scott Pruitt’s stewardship of the agency. John […]

Trump opens door to dangerous fracking in Northern Arizona – Plan to auction 4,200 acres sidesteps environmental review, threatens national park, groundwater, river

FLAGSTAFF, Arizona, 21 May 2018 (Center for Biological Diversity) – A new Trump administration plan proposes to auction off 4,200 acres of public land for oil and gas development in northern Arizona. The lands straddle the Little Colorado River, are within three miles of Petrified Forest National Park, and are near habitat for a federally […]

Trump has shrunk Bears Ears National Monument by 85 percent – Here’s a look at what America stands to lose

By Jeremy Berke 25 April 2018 (Business Insider) – President Donald Trump announced the reduction of two national monuments in Utah in December 2017. Bears Ears was reduced by 85 percent in the months that followed, in the largest acreage reduction of a national monument to date. Trump also cut Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument in […]

U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke says Interior Dept. should be a partner with oil companies – “If anything is un-American, it’s this administration’s persistent attacks on America’s public lands”

By David Koenig 6 March 2018 HOUSTON (AP) – Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke says his agency should be a partner with oil and gas companies that seek to drill on public land and that long regulatory reviews with an uncertain outcome are “un-American.” Speaking Tuesday to a major energy-industry conference, Zinke described the Trump administration’s […]

Radar images show large swath of West Texas oil patch is heaving and sinking at alarming rates – “This region of Texas has been punctured like a pin cushion with oil wells and injection wells since the 1940s”

By Margaret Allen 20 March 2018(SMU) – Analysis indicates decades of oil production activity have destabilized localities in an area of about 4,000 square miles populated by small towns, roadways and a vast network of oil and gas pipelines and storage tanksTwo giant sinkholes near Wink, Texas, may just be the tip of the iceberg, […]

U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry says moving from fossil fuels to renewables is “immoral”

By Joe Romm 8 March 2018 (ThinkProgress) – Energy Secretary Rick Perry said on Wednesday that it was “immoral” to help poor nations shift off of fossil fuels.“Look those people in the eyes that are starving and tell them you can’t have electricity,” said Perry in remarks after his big speech to the oil and […]

Amid soaring inflation, life is a daily struggle in Venezuela – “We are barely surviving. If prices keep rising, I don’t know what we’re going to eat.”

By Mariana Zuñiga 12 March 2018 CARACAS, Venezuela (NBC News) – Antonio Perez, 73, a semiretired real estate agent, woke up at 5 a.m. to stand in line outside a bank to cash his monthly pension. His breakfast was a cup of coffee.By the time he arrived, there were already 140 people there waiting to […]

Exxon plans for carbon-constrained future – In 2040, oil and natural gas continue to supply 55 percent of world energy needs

By Ed Crooks 3 February 2018 NEW YORK (Financial Times) –  ExxonMobil, the largest US energy group, has said it believes there is little risk that it will not be able to produce all of its proved oil and gas reserves, even in a world where government policies are set to limit the threat of […]

Hurricanes left behind mountains of trash in the Virgin Islands — and there’s nowhere to put it

By Tim Craig 26 February 2018 ST. THOMAS, U.S. Virgin Islands (The Washington Post) – Even though he works at a dump, Kenneal Smith used to enjoy the coastal and mountain views offered from his guard shack here at the island’s largest landfill. But after back-to-back hurricanes pinwheeled across the Virgin Islands in September, Smith […]

Report estimates Pennsylvania oil and gas methane emissions nearly five times higher than state’s figures

15 February 2018 (EDF) – Methane emissions from Pennsylvania’s oil and gas sites may be more than five times higher than what oil and gas companies report to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), according to a new analysis from Environmental Defense Fund.Methane is both a powerful climate pollutant and the primary ingredient of […]

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