Trump administration accelerates push to export fracking to Argentina

By Joseph Siess 17 September 2018 (DeSmogBlog) – In June, U.S. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry traveled to Bariloche, Argentina, for a G20 Summit where he expressed his desire to help Argentina become more like Texas, his home state.“The technology that has allowed for the shale gas revolution in America, we want to make available […]

Salting the earth: North Dakota farmers struggle with a toxic byproduct of the oil boom

By Likhitha Butchireddygari 11 August 2018 (NBC News) – Daryl Peterson’s farm has been in his family for as long as he’s been alive. His father passed down the 2,500-acre spread, just a few miles from the Canadian border in Antler, North Dakota, nearly 50 years ago. He and his brother Larry have been farming […]

Venezuela is swept by economic chaos as new crypto-currency “scam” takes effect – Bolívar devalued by 95 percent

By Rachelle Krygier and Anthony Faiola 21 August 2018 CARACAS, Venezuela (The Washington Post) – Many Venezuelans rejected an opposition call for a national strike on Tuesday, warily going to work even as sweeping government measures aimed at curbing ­hyperinflation caused mounting confusion.With inflation hurtling toward 1 million percent and hunger spreading nationwide, President Nicolás […]

At “America First Energy Conference”, solar power is dumb, liberals are wrong about sea level rise, climate science is a UN conspiracy, and White House officials celebrate oil exports

By Collin Eaton 9 August 2018 NEW ORLEANS (Reuters) – Pumping carbon dioxide into the air makes the planet greener; the United Nations puts out fake science about climate change to control the global energy market; and wind and solar energy are simply “dumb”.These are among the messages that flowed from the America First Energy […]

The Economist: The world is losing the war against global warming

2 August 2018 (The Economist) – Earth is smouldering. From Seattle to Siberia this summer, flames have consumed swathes of the northern hemisphere. One of 18 wildfires sweeping through California, among the worst in the state’s history, is generating such heat that it created its own weather. Fires that raged through a coastal area near […]

Climate Progress Dashboard: Marking progress one year on – One step forward, one step back

By Andrew Howard 17 July 2018 (Schroders) – The Climate Progress Dashboard was created to help Schroders’ analysts, fund managers and clients track climate action. Meeting global leaders’ commitments to limit temperature rises to 2°C will require action across a range of areas, by a range of stakeholders.The dashboard plots the long-run rise in temperatures […]

Trump attacks Endangered Species Act – “This proposal turns the extinction-prevention tool of the ESA into a rubber stamp for powerful corporate interests”

WASHINGTON, DC, 23 July 2018 (ENS) – The Trump administration is proposing new rules for implementing the Endangered Species Act, ESA, that will make it more difficult to recover Threatened and Endangered species across the country. Conservation groups fear that the revisions would allow drilling, mining and ranching in what is now protected habitat, but […]

The U.S. natural gas industry is leaking way more methane than previously thought. Here’s why that matters.

By Anthony J. Marchese and Dan Zimmerle 2 July 2018(The Conversation) – Natural gas is displacing coal, which could help fight climate change because burning it produces fewer carbon emissions. But producing and transporting natural gas releases methane, a greenhouse gas that also contributes to climate change. How big is the methane problem?For the past […]

DRC set to reclassify national parks for oil, open Congo Basin rainforest to logging

By Joe Sandler Clarke 19 July 2018 (Greenpeace) – Moves by the disputed President of the Democratic Republic of Congo Joseph Kabila to grant oil and logging licences in the world’s second largest rainforest have thrown efforts to protect the area into disarray, potentially weakening the push to avert the worst consequences of climate change.Congo’s […]

Orcas of the Pacific Northwest are starving and disappearing – “It’s an ecosystem-wide problem”

By Jim Robbins 9 July 2018 SEATTLE (The New York Times) – For the last three years, not one calf has been born to the dwindling pods of black-and-white killer whales spouting geysers of mist off the coast in the Pacific Northwest. Normally four or five calves would be born each year among this fairly […]

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