That was awkward – At world’s biggest climate conference, U.S. promotes fossil fuels

By Griff Witte and Brady Dennis 10 December 2018 KATOWICE, Poland (The Washington Post) – President Trump’s top White House adviser on energy and climate stood before the crowd of some 200 people on Monday and tried to burnish the image of coal, the fossil fuel that powered the industrial revolution — and is now […]

Protesters disrupt U.S. panel’s fossil fuels pitch at climate talks – “It’s ludicrous for Trump officials to claim that they want to clean up fossil fuels, while dismantling standards that would do just that”

By Jonathan Watts 10 December 2018 Katowice, Poland (The Guardian) – A Trump administration presentation extolling the virtues of fossil fuels at the UN climate talks in Poland has been met with guffaws of laughter and chants of “Shame on you”.Monday’s protest came during a panel discussion by the official US delegation, which used its […]

Trump administration attacks landmark environmental rules – “An unprecedented rollback of Clean Water Act protections”

By Ellen Knickmeyer 7 December 2018 WASHINGTON (AP) – One after another, landmark U.S. protections for climate, air and land are in the crosshairs of the Trump administration as his agency leaders move past early fumbles and scandals to start delivering on a succession of promised environmental rollbacks. On Thursday, the Interior Department proposed easing […]

Climate talks pause as battle over key science report looms – U.S., Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait call for upcoming IPCC study to be “noted” but not “welcomed”

By Frank Jordans 9 December 2018 KATOWICE, Poland (AP) – A diplomatic standoff over a single word could set the stage for a bigger showdown during the second half of this year’s U.N. climate summit. Negotiators took time out Sunday to rest after the first week of talks ended on a sour note the previous […]

Federal judge blocks Keystone XL pipeline, saying Trump administration review ignored “inconvenient” climate change facts

By Fred Barbash, Allyson Chiu, and Juliet Eilperin 9 November 2018 (The Washington Post) – A federal judge temporarily blocked construction of the controversial Keystone XL pipeline, ruling late Thursday that the Trump administration had failed to justify its decision granting a permit for the 1,200-mile long project designed to connect Canada’s oil sands fields […]

Erosion of a culture – “Once we have cut down all the big trees, part of our punishment will be to live in a world without any big trees”

By Rheta Grimsley Johnson 22 August 2018 (The Bitter Southerner) – I am leaving my skiff at a funky little marina on the swamp’s west side, an access point to the Atchafalaya in the deep Cajun parish called St. Martin. Boat docked, I head to my pickup. […]It is the largest swamp and wetlands area […]

Trump administration completes plan to roll back safety rules inspired by Deepwater Horizon disaster – “These rollbacks allow offshore oil companies to self-police and prioritize industry profits over safety”

By Coral Davenport 27 September 2018 WASHINGTON (The New York Times) – The Trump administration has completed its plan to roll back major offshore-drilling safety regulations that were put in place after the Deepwater Horizon oil rig disaster in 2010 that killed 11 people and caused the worst oil spill in American history.The Interior Department’s […]

Trump administration sees a 6°F rise in global temperatures by 2100 – “The amazing thing they’re saying is human activities are going to lead to this rise of carbon dioxide that is disastrous for the environment and society. And then they’re saying they’re not going to do anything about it.”

By Juliet Eilperin, Brady Dennis, and Chris Mooney 28 September 2018 (The Washington Post) – Last month, deep in a 500-page environmental impact statement, the Trump administration made a startling assumption: On its current course, the planet will warm a disastrous six degrees by the end of this century.A rise of six degrees Fahrenheit, or […]

U.S. plans crackdown on Keystone XL activists – “Treating protest as terrorism”

By Will Parrish and Sam Levin 20 September 2018 (The Guardian) – Angeline Cheek is preparing for disaster. The indigenous organizer from the Fort Peck reservation in Montana fears that the proposed Keystone XL pipeline could break and spill, destroy her tribe’s water, and desecrate sacred Native American sites.But environmental catastrophe is not the most […]

Trump administration rolls back Obama-era methane pollution rule that aimed to help combat climate change

By Matthew Brown 18 September 2018 BILLINGS, Montana (AP) – The Trump administration on Tuesday rolled back an Obama-era rule that forced energy companies to capture methane — a key contributor to climate change that’s released in huge amounts during drilling on U.S. and tribal lands. A replacement rule from the Interior Department rescinds mandates […]

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