Drilling toward disaster: Why U.S. oil and gas expansion Is incompatible with climate limits – “The U.S. is moving further and faster than any other country to expand oil and gas extraction”

By Ivana Kottasová18 January 2019 LONDON (CNN Business) – America’s push for oil and gas supremacy could lead to a “climate catastrophe,” a new report has warned. The report by Oil Change International said that the United States is set to “unleash the world’s largest burst” of carbon emissions from new oil and gas development […]

U.S. forces employees to work on oil-drilling land sales during Trump government shutdown – “A government that prioritizes fossil fuel industry profits at all costs, while American families are left out in the cold”

By Ellie Kaufman16 January 2019 (CNN) – The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management is bringing back employees who were furloughed to work on sales of land for oil and gas drilling purposes in the Gulf of Mexico, according to an updated Department of Interior shutdown plan. The plan was amended on 8 January 2019. The […]

To those who think we can reform our way out of the climate crisis

By Ben Ehrenreich 15 January 2019 (The Nation) – Welcome to the future. It feels like it, doesn’t it? Like we have reached the end of something—of the days when the Arctic was not actually in flames, when the permafrost was not a sodden mush, when the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets were not rushing […]

A brief guide to David Bernhardt, Ryan Zinke’s replacement at the Interior Department – Three things to know about the former oil lobbyist who’s now acting Interior secretary

By Umair Irfan3 January 2019 (Vox) – Now that Ryan Zinke has resigned as the head of the Interior Department, his deputy David Bernhardt has begun serving as acting secretary. President Donald Trump said last month he would name a permanent replacement but has yet to do so. This handover of power at Interior has […]

U.S. Supreme Court rejects Exxon Mobil appeal in climate case

By Timothy Cama7 January 2019 (The Hill) – The Supreme Court on Monday refused to take up a case in which Exxon Mobil Corp. is trying to stop Massachusetts’s demand for documents from it in a climate change investigation. The announcement in the case, Exxon Mobil Corp. v. Healey, came without explanation, as is the […]

Former U.S. Interior Secretary says national park visitors should “grab a trash bag”

BILLINGS, Montana, 4 January 2019 (AP) – Former U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke says National Park visitors should “grab a trash bag and take some trash out” as garbage bins at some parks overflow during the government shutdown. With many government workers furloughed as the partial shutdown entered its 14th day on Friday, garbage has […]

Trump BLM auctions off 150,000 acres of public lands for fracking near Utah national parks – “This is a reckless fire sale of spectacular public lands for dirty drilling and fracking”

12 December 2018 (Center for Biological Diversity) – On Tuesday the Trump administration offered more than 150,000 acres of public lands for fossil-fuel extraction near some of Utah’s most iconic landscapes, including Arches and Canyonlands national parks. Dozens of Utahns gathered at the state Capitol to protest the lease sale, which included lands within 10 […]

Former fossil fuels lobbyist to head Trump interior department – Top two U.S. environmental agencies now run by people previously paid by industry

By Emily Holden 16 December 2018 WASHINGTON, D.C. (The Guardian) – Ryan Zinke’s exit as interior secretary elevates a former lobbyist to the job, meaning the top two US environmental agencies will now be run by people previously paid by industry.The deputy secretary, David Bernhardt, will take over at least temporarily when Zinke steps down […]

Quoting The Lorax, court vacates Atlantic Coast Pipeline permit to cross national forests – “We trust the U.S. Forest Service to ‘speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongues’”

By Julia Fair 15 December 2018 (Staunton News Leader) – A federal court has vacated an environmental permit that would have allowed The Atlantic Coast Pipeline to cross two national forests, according to a court opinion filed Thursday with the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals. The opinion quotes Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax, saying: “We trust […]

Trump Interior Secretary Zinke resigns amid ethics probes – “Surrounding himself with former lobbyists, it quickly became clear that Ryan Zinke was a pawn for the oil and gas industry”

By Juliet Eilperin, Josh Dawsey, and Darryl Fears 15 December 2018 (The Washington Post) – Interior Department Secretary Ryan Zinke submitted his resignation to the White House Saturday, facing intense pressure to step down because of multiple probes tied to his real estate dealings in his home state of Montana and his conduct while in […]

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