Image of the Day: Oil Spill from the Deepwater Horizon

Caption by Rebecca Lindsey An estimated 42,000 gallons of oil per day were leaking from an oil well in the Gulf of Mexico in late April, following an explosion at an offshore drilling rig on April 20, 2010. The rig eventually capsized and sank. These images of the affected area were captured on April 25 […]

Oil may spew for months after rig blast

By BRETT CLANTONHOUSTON CHRONICLEApril 25, 2010, 9:16AM A slow-motion environmental disaster may be in the making with the discovery Saturday that 42,000 gallons a day of crude oil is spewing from a well on the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico near where a huge drilling rig sank last week — and it could be […]

Image of the Day: Oil Rig ‘Deepwater Horizon’ Burns and Sinks

By LEE FERRAN, JEFFREY KOFMAN and MICHAEL MURRAYApril 22, 2010 A burning oil rig sank into 5,000 feet of water in the Gulf of Mexico today while the search by air for 11 workers still missing continued. The U.S. Coast Guard, which is leading the search, said it will now begin to assess the pollution […]

Katrina storm surge caused over 200 onshore releases of petroleum and hazardous materials, rivaling Exxon Valdez oil spill

ScienceDaily (Apr. 21, 2010) — Scientists call for more risk-based facility design and improved prevention, response planning Hurricane Katrina was the cause of more than 200 onshore releases of petroleum and other hazardous materials, a new study funded by the National Science Foundation has found. According to comprehensive research using government incident databases, about 8 […]

The Peak Oil crisis: China’s latest drought

By Tom Whipple     Wednesday, April 14 2010 11:56  We all need to pause for a minute and consider the possible implications of the droughts that are engulfing China. One of these is in the north — Inner Mongolia, and the second more serious one covers most of southwestern China. If the weather patterns revert to […]

Wildlife still exposed to Exxon Valdez oil 20 years after disaster

Scientists in Alaska have discovered that lingering oil from the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill is still being ingested by some wildlife more than 20 years after the disaster. The research, published in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, uses biomarkers to reveal long-term exposure to oil in harlequin ducks and demonstrates how consequences of oil spills are […]

Graph of the Day: U.K. Natural Gas Imports, Jan 2000 – Jan 2010

The diagram shows the development of U.K. natural gas gross imports and the composition of the imports. Belgium does not export natural gas, but this is gas imported through the Interconnector between Zeebrugge in Belgium and Bacton in U.K. from other sources and ultimately most likely Russia. How Close will the U.K. Come to Running […]

For the first time in a decade, Americans support energy development over environmental protections

Reporting by Timothy Gardner; Editing by Lisa ShumakerWASHINGTONTue Apr 6, 2010 11:20am EDT (Reuters) – For the first time in 10 years Americans are more likely to say the United States should give more priority to developing oil, natural gas and coal than to protecting the environment, according to a poll on Tuesday. The poll […]

Billions of gallons of toxic wastewater dumped into Ecuador rivers

“The stream was 50 meters from our house and chemicals were dumped into it. Oh, it stank! The water ran like a natural stream, but it was warm toxic waste water. We had headaches, dizziness, stomachaches…. Our children loved to fish and swim in the river. They came home covered in crude. We fried the […]

2,000 rally against toxic haze in Russian town

Writing by Conor Humphries; Editing by Jon Hemming MOSCOW (Reuters) – Some 2,000 people protested against the release of what they said were toxic fumes in a small town on Russia’s Pacific coast Sunday, one of a series of unusually large protests across the country in recent months. Russians traditionally shy away from public protests […]

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