A month in, outrage over Gulf oil spill grows

By KEVIN McGILL and VICKI SMITH Associated Press WritersMay 21, 11:35 AM EDT GRAND ISLE, La. (AP) — Thick, sticky oil crept deeper into delicate marshes of the Mississippi Delta, an arrival dreaded for a month since the crude started spewing into the Gulf, as anger and frustration mounted over efforts to plug the gusher […]

Coast Guard officials told of potential oil spill response problems years ago

By Ben Raines May 21, 2010, 5:00AM U.S. Coast Guard officials have apparently known for years that there could be significant problems in the federal and industry response to a major oil spill. The report that followed a 2004 “Spill of National Significance” training exercise concluded, “Oil spill response personnel did not appear to have […]

Grand Isle closes beaches due to oil on shore

By Jenny Hurwitz, The Times-Picayune May 21, 2010, 12:07PM Government officials in Grand Isle are closing all beaches until further notice, citing the fact that oil from the Gulf of Mexico spill is washing up on the shore. “They’re starting to see dead wildlife,” said Jefferson Parish Councilman Chris Roberts. Roberts said there is more […]

Mobile scientists’ warnings about oil dispersant toxicity ignored by BP, Coast Guard

By Ben RainesMay 21, 2010, 5:00AM Mobile-area scientists warned BP PLC officials and Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen a week ago that the use of dispersants both on the surface and underwater at the Deepwater Horizon well could have grave consequences for the Gulf ecosystem. The scientists, Bob Shipp of the University of South Alabama […]

Image of the Day: BP Oil Spill Viewed From Orbit, 17 May 2010

Caption by Michon Scott Nearly a month after a deadly explosion at the Deepwater Horizon oil rig, the damaged well on the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico continued to spill oil. In the weeks since the accident occurred, the oil slick has periodically drifted northeast toward the Mississippi Delta and reached the the Chandeleur […]

Graph of the Day: Projected Oil Spill Path to 22 May 2010

NOAA extended the boundaries of the closed fishing area in the Gulf into the northern portion of the loop current as a precautionary measure to ensure seafood from the Gulf will remain safe for consumers. The closed area is now slightly less than 19 percent of the Gulf of Mexico federal waters. Dr. Jane Lubchenco, […]

Whale shark, world's biggest fish, very vulnerable to oil spill

Swimming with a whale shark off the Alabama coast By Janet McConnaughey, AP WriterMay 19, 2010, 11:37AM NEW ORLEANS — The world’s biggest fish may be highly vulnerable to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill and one of its favorite feeding grounds is in the area of the spill. Whale sharks feed on the surface, […]

In Gulf oil spill, BP using dispersants banned in U.K.

By Marian Wang, ProPublica – May 18, 2010 2:24 pm EDT The two types of dispersants BP is spraying in the Gulf of Mexico are banned for use on oil spills in the U.K. As EPA-approved products, BP has been using them in greater quantities than dispersants have ever been used in the history of […]

Heavy sludge oozes into marshes of Louisiana — CBS cameras turned away by BP, Coast Guard

(CBS/AP)  It may be the most disturbing site yet: the first heavy sludge now oozing into the marshes of Louisiana as the slick continues to grow in size out in the gulf. CBS News correspondent Kelly Cobiella reports it’s an ominous sight. The oil is thick and black and stretches about a quarter mile down […]

Graph of the Day: Locations of Oil and Gas Platforms in the Gulf of Mexico, 2005

This GIS shapefile data layer shows the location of offshore oil and gas platforms in the Gulf of Mexico. The platform information was made available by Minerals Management Service, and has been reprojected from the NAD 27 datum to NAD 83 to be consistent with the remainder of the data in this GIS. Since 1982 […]

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