Nuclear cuts ‘bad news’ for climate change

Singapore (AFP) April 4, 2011 – A global slowdown in the growth of nuclear power in reaction to the Japan crisis will seriously hamper the fight against climate change, a top International Energy Agency (IEA) official said Monday. IEA chief economist Fatih Birol told AFP that governments must study the implications carefully before making any […]

Deffeyes: Macondo – Fukushima

By Kenneth S. Deffeyes29 March 2011 One of my former students, Joel Achenbach, has a book being released this week about the BP blowout. (A Hole at the Bottom of the Sea.) His e-mail a week ago asked whether there were parallels between the BP Macondo blowout and the damaged nuclear reactors at Fukushima. My […]

Graph of the Day: Oil Price and Recessions, 1973-2010

By Gail the Actuary28 March 2011 The idea that high oil prices cause recessions shouldn’t be any surprise to those who have been following my writings, those of Dave Murphy, or those of Jeff Rubin. Last month, though, the Wall Street Journal finally decided to mention the idea to its readers, in an article called […]

The Oil Drum: Graphgasm 2010

Posted by Euan MearnsDecember 31, 2010 – 7:57am A picture says a thousand words. In this post you will find only charts and graphs conveying important points from the world of energy 2010. Readers are invited to post their favorite charts from 2010 in the comments. Instructions are given at the end of this post. […]

The Peak Oil Crisis: 2011 – A Pivotal Year?

By Tom Whipple   Wednesday, December 29 2010 01:32:34 PM Wall Street is getting nervous. As oil prices continue to creep up and as more evidence accumulates that the age of ever-growing energy production and economic growth is coming to an end, a specter is haunting the great investment banks and brokerage houses of New York. […]

Nuclear energy’s lost generation

By Sylvia WestallMon Nov 29, 2010 8:25am EST OLKILUOTO, Finland (Reuters) – On a flat, low-lying island nestled in crisp waters off the west coast of Finland, the first nuclear power plant ordered in Western Europe since 1986 is inching toward start-up. Over 4,000 builders and engineers are at work on the sprawling Olkiluoto 3 […]

Peak water: Conceptual and practical limits to freshwater withdrawal and use

Media Contact: Nancy Ross, Pacific Institute, May 24, 2010 A new journal article from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) highlights new “peak water” limits to global and regional freshwater availability and use. The May 24, 2010 early edition of the journal includes the new article “Peak Water Limits to Freshwater […]

Japan to drill for controversial ‘fire ice’

Japan seeks to improve energy security by drilling for frozen methane but environmentalists fear a leak of the greenhouse gas, which is 21 times as damaging as carbon dioxide By Michael Fitzpatrick, Monday 27 September 2010 09.22 BST In a bid to shore up its precarious energy security Japan is to start commercial test […]

Book review: The Coming Famine

By Nicole EckersleySeptember 14, 2010 Author, journalist and science writer Julian Cribb has created a sobering text in The Coming Famine: The global food crisis and what we can do to avoid it, from CSIRO Publishing. Cribb’s view of the global food crisis paints a frightening picture: demand for food slowly outstripping supply, food production […]

A world in collapse? Interview with Robert Jensen

Alex Doherty: You have written that: “To be fully alive today is to live with anguish, not for one’s own condition in the world but for the condition of the world, for a world that is in collapse.” Even amongst environmentalists it is rare to describe our situation in such apocalyptic terms. Why do you […]

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