World oil production will decline shortly after 2015: former IEA analyst

Posted by JoulesBurn5 January 2012 The following interview is a guest post by Matthieu Auzanneau, a freelance journalist living in Paris. This article previously appeared in Le Monde. Olivier Rech developed petroleum scenarios for the International Energy Agency over a three year period, up until 2009. This French economist now advises large investment funds on […]

‘Searing anger’ as Nigerians protest fuel price increase

By Stephanie Busari, CNN4 January 2012 (CNN) – Car tires were set on fire and gas stations blockaded as hundreds of Nigerians took to the streets to protest the removal of fuel subsidies that saw the price of petrol more than double virtually overnight. Angry Nigerians chanted anti-government slogans and brandished placards in a largely […]

American Psychosis: What happens to a society that cannot distinguish between reality and illusion?

By Chris HedgesPosted on 14 September 2010 by rockingjude The United States, locked in the kind of twilight disconnect that grips dying empires, is a country entranced by illusions. It spends its emotional and intellectual energy on the trivial and the absurd. It is captivated by the hollow stagecraft of celebrity culture as the walls […]

Magical thinking in U.S. politics: A reality check on oil supply for Newt Gingrich

By aeberman28 November 2011 During the CNN Republican presidential debate Tuesday, November 23, Newt Gingrich made statements about U.S. potential oil supply that reveal either total ignorance of energy or supremely dangerous demagoguery. He stated that the United States could discover and produce enough oil in 2012 to cause a worldwide oil price collapse. GINGRICH: […]

Hubbert’s third prophecy

Hubbert said, “The third curve (on the left) is simply the mathematical curve for exponential growth. No physical quantity can follow this curve for more than a brief period of time. However, a sum of money, being of a nonphysical nature and growing according to the rules of compound interest at a fixed interest rate, […]

UAE: World likely to face severe oil crunch by 2015

November 3 (MENAFN / Khaleej Times) – There could be a severe global oil crunch by 2015 due to drastic changes in the oil market fundamentals, a World Bank consultant told the 17th Annual Energy Conference of the Emirates Centre for Strategic Studies and Research (ECSSR). Addressing the ECSSR conference in the UAE capital, Dr […]

As world population hits 7 billion, megacities pose growing risks

By Lord Julian Hunt and Professor Yuguo Li Oct 31, 2011 08:41 EDT The world population has officially reached seven billion, according to the UN.  This historic landmark reminds us of the massive challenges, including here in Europe, created by an ever-increasing number of humans on the planet. Growing populations are also driving another mega […]

Graph of the Day: Global Food Security Levels in the Face of High Food Prices

If nothing else, existentially important goods include food. Although countries such asGermany are almost self-sufficient when it comes to the basic supply of foodstuffs, peak oil could well have serious consequences in some areas of agriculture. Potential supply bottlenecks would above all jeopardise countries with high food import quotas since the cost of importing food […]

Coal’s terrible forecast

By Gregor Macdonald September 20, 2011 There are many unfortunate outcomes to Peak Oil. One of the more serious is the world’s transition back to coal. Expensive BTU from crude oil has influenced the energy adoption pathway of the Developing World for ten years now, pushing the five billion people in the Non-OECD towards coal. […]

Will 10 billion people use up the planet’s resources?

By David Biello25 May 2011 (Scientific American) – The human enterprise now consumes nearly 60 billion metric tons of minerals, ores, fossil fuels and plant materials, such as crop plants and trees for timber or paper. Meanwhile, the seven billionth person on the planet is expected to be born this year—and the human population may […]

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