The age of extreme oil: ‘This used to be a forest?'

By Arno Kopecky 19 May 2012 One grey Thursday at the end of April, a plane touched down in Fort McMurray, Alta., carrying four Achuar Indians from the Peruvian Amazon. They had flown 8,000 kilometres from the rain forest to beseech Talisman Energy Inc., the Calgary-based oil and gas conglomerate, to stop drilling in their […]

Review: The Crash Course: The Unsustainable Future Of Our Economy, Energy, and Environment

By John Atcheson28 Apr 2012 The first thing to say about The Crash Course is that it is an impressive work of scholarship. It is reminiscent of Guns, Germs and Steel in terms of the scope and breadth of knowledge brought to bear by the author in support of his thesis – which is basically […]

Marginal oil production costs are heading toward $100/barrel

By Kate Mackenzie2 May 2012 Bernstein’s energy analysts have looked at the upstream costs for the 50 biggest listed oil producers and found that — surprise, surprise — “the era of cheap oil is over”: Tracking data from the 50 largest listed oil and gas producing companies globally (ex FSU) indicates that cash, production and […]

Australians’ concern about the environment plummets

[cf. U.S. worry about water, air pollution at historic lows – Concern about global warming dead last] 30 April 2012By Ben Cubby CONCERN for the environment has dwindled into a ”middling” issue that many people do not have strong feelings about, a major study into Australian attitudes towards society, politics and the economy has found. […]

Graph of the Day: Growth in World Oil Supplies, 1983-2011

By Gail the Actuary12 April 2012 The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) recently released full-year 2011 world oil production data. In this post, I would like show some graphs of recent data, and provide some views as to where this leads with respect to future production. The fitted line in Figure 1 suggests a “normal” […]

U.S. military forges ahead with plans to combat climate change – ‘It’s not a pretty picture for the United States’

By Joshua Zaffos and Daily Climate2 April 2012 The U.S. military’s elite forces have always pushed the envelope. And this summer will be no exception, as the Navy deploys SEALs with $2 million of new gear on missions to save hostages, combat pirates, and counter terrorism around the world. What sort of next-generation weaponry, armor, […]

The world in 2050: Deutsche Post DHL releases a study on the future

Berlin/Bonn, 27 February 2012 (DHL) – With its release of the study of the future, Delivering Tomorrow: Logistics 2050, Deutsche Post DHL is taking a far-reaching look into the future of trade, business and society. The study examines five different scenarios of life in the year 2050. These five visions of the future are based […]

Automobile use in Wales has decreased dramatically since 2007

By Claire Miller14 February 2012 CAR use in Wales has decreased dramatically since the start of the economic crisis in 2007, latest figures show. The data suggests that rising fuel costs are driving motorists away from using their car and instead looking to cheaper alternatives – with cars travelling 517 fewer miles each year than […]

The Limits to Growth at forty: Is collapse now inevitable?

By Mícheál O’Callaghan18 January 2012 Forty years ago, a group of Scientists investigated what the world would look like if we continued on our path of exponential economic growth, with a continued growth in population, pollution and industry. The study resulted in the publishing of the eye opening book, The Limits to Growth, which would […]

Geopolitical implications of ‘Peak Everything’ – U.S. is ‘an empire in decline’

By Richard Heinberg 10 January 2012 From competition among hunter-gatherers for wild game to imperialist wars over precious minerals, resource wars have been fought throughout history; today, however, the competition appears set to enter a new—and perhaps unprecedented—phase. As natural resources deplete, and as the Earth’s climate becomes less stable, the world’s nations will likely […]

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