Graph of the Day: World oil production, 2002-2015

By Ron Patterson21 December 2015 (Peak Oil Barrel) – I follow the JODI World Oil Database primarily because it is now four months ahead of the EIA international data base. I make some adjustments however. I use the OPEC MOMR “secondary sources” for all OPEC data where JODI also uses the MOMR but uses their […]

Photo gallery: 27 images that suggest the human species is in danger

24. To the last drop: an oilfield in California and the merciless overexploitation of humans. (Hefty) – Sometimes every word is superfluous. These pictures say more than a thousand words. [more] 27 images that prove that we are in danger. #7 left my mouth open. Technorati Tags: oil production,overpopulation,population,mining,global warming,climate change,deforestation,poaching,wildfire,forest fire,pollution

The crash in the price of oil may change the oil market – ‘All agree that we passed the maximum of conventional oil production in 2005-6’

By Kjell Aleklett15 February 2015 (Aleklett’s Energy Mix) – On Tuesday 10 February at 13:00 GMT the IEA released its “Oil Medium-Term Market Report 2015”. The day before the release I was contacted by Jens Ergon at Sveriges Television (“Sweden’s Television, SVT) who wanted to get my opinion on the report. I had a number […]

Discoveries of new oil and gas reserves drop to 20-year low – ‘The number of discoveries and the size of the discoveries have been declining at quite an alarming rate’

By Ed Crooks15 February 2015 New York (Financial Times) – Discoveries of new oil and gas reserves dropped to their lowest level in at least two decades last year, pointing to tighter world supplies as energy demand increases in the future. Preliminary figures suggest the volume of oil and gas found last year, excluding shale […]

The U.S. shale oil ‘miracle’ disappears – Monterey formation downgraded by 96 percent

By Chris Martenson21 May 2014 ( – The US shale oil “miracle” has about as much believability left as Jimmy Swaggart. Just today, we learned that the EIA has placed a hefty downward revision on its estimate of the amount of recoverable oil in the #1 shale reserve in the US, the Monterey in California. […]

U.S. now in the terminal stage of fossil-fuel addiction

By Michael T. Klare  1 April 2014  (The Nation) – Of all the preposterous, irresponsible headlines that have appeared on the front page of The New York Times in recent years, few have exceeded the inanity of this one from early March: “US Hopes Boom in Natural Gas Can Curb Putin.” The article by normally […]

Energy shortages force Pakistanis to scavenge for wood, threatening tree canopy – ‘The middle class are now cutting trees and burning trees’

By Tim Craig1 February 2014 ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (Washington Post) –  Ramesh Iqbal lives in one of the Pakistani capital’s middle-class neighborhoods and attends college. But on a recent day, he and two friends emerged from a wooded area, their arms full of the logs and branches they had to gathered to warm their homes. “We […]

Renowned whale expert studying effect of Deepwater Horizon oil spill on Gulf of Mexico sperm whales – ‘Every step of the food chain you get about a 10 times increase in the concentration of a contaminant’

By Dennis Pillion12 July 2013 PENSACOLA, Florida ( – To get a better understanding of the full impact of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill, renowned marine scientist Roger Payne is thinking big. That is to say, he’s looking at sperm whales, one of the largest inhabitants of the Gulf and the largest of the […]

The Oil Drum calls it quits

The end of an era. The Oil Drum was the single best source for intelligent discussions about the future of world energy production, with a contrapuntal theme of global warming chat. Rembrandt broke the news that TOD is closing: …due to scarcity of new content caused by a dwindling number of contributors. Despite our best […]

Graph of the Day: World remaining oil reserve estimates by political and technical sources, 1920-2012

By Jean Laherrere16 May 29013 ( – It is well known that OPEC reserves were inflated after the 1986 oil counter chock, because the fight on quotas mainly based on reserves. Over 1986-89, 300 Gb of “political” reserves were added (not involving extra-heavy (XH) oil). This was confirmed by the former Aramco VP Sadad al-Husseini […]

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