Jellyfish keep UK nuclear plant shut

By Karolin Schaps; editing by Jason Neely29 Jun 2011 (Reuters) – An invasion of jellyfish into a cooling water pool at a Scottish nuclear power plant kept its nuclear reactors offline on Wednesday, a phenomenon which may grow more common in future, scientists said. Two reactors at EDF Energy’s Torness nuclear power plant on the […]

Explosion in jellyfish numbers may lead to ecological disaster, warn scientists

By Tracy McVeigh, The Observer12 June 2011 Global warming has long been blamed for the huge rise in the world’s jellyfish population. But new research suggests that they, in turn, may be worsening the problem by producing more carbon than the oceans can cope with. Research led by Rob Condon of the Virginia Institute of […]

Video: Mauve stinger jellyfish could linger near Florida beaches for a year

By JIM WAYMER 2 June 2011 COCOA BEACH — The mauve stinger jellyfish spared swimmers Wednesday, after stinging about 1,800 people in the past week. But biologists say the tiny creature could pop up off the Space Coast in sporadic pulses for weeks, even as long as a year, depending on how long conditions favor […]

Jellyfish are taking over the oceans: Population surge as rising acidity of world’s seas kills predators

By David Derbyshire3 December 2010 Britain’s beaches could soon be inundated with records numbers of jellyfish, marine experts warned today. Scientists say the number of jellyfish are on the rise thanks to the increasing acidity of the world’s oceans. The warning comes in a new report into ocean acidification – an often overlooked side effect […]

Jellyfish ‘may benefit from ecosystem instability’

By Mark Kinver Science and environment reporter, BBC News 29 October 2010 A team of researchers have been trying to identify how jellyfish may benefit from marine ecosystems destabilised by climate change and overfishing. There is concern that a rise in jellyfish numbers could prevent depleted commercially important fish stocks recovering to historical levels. However, […]

Acidifying oceans spell bleak marine biological future ‘by end of century’, Mediterranean research finds

ScienceDaily (Aug. 31, 2010) — A unique ‘natural laboratory’ in the Mediterranean Sea is revealing the effects of rising carbon dioxide levels on life in the oceans. The results show a bleak future for marine life as ocean acidity rises, and suggest that similar lowering of ocean pH levels may have been responsible for massive […]

Jellyfish: ‘We are looking at a worldwide silent invasion’

By Bryan Nelson, Mother Nature NetworkPosted Tue Mar 16, 2010 9:57am PDT The turritopsis nutricula species of jellyfish may be the only animal in the world to have truly discovered the fountain of youth. Since it is capable of cycling from a mature adult stage to an immature polyp stage and back again, there may […]

Jellyfish bloom off South Carolina coast

By Glenn Smith, The Post and CourierSaturday, July 31, 2010 FOLLY BEACH — Tom Borum was trying to beat the heat with a cool dip in the Atlantic when –Zaappp!– a nasty little sting hit him right in the calf. Borum heard his fiancee cry out. Something zinged her beneath the waves as well, leaving […]

Death by fire in the gulf: Sea life incinerated alive in ‘burn boxes’

So-called burn boxes are torching oil from the water’s surface at the sacrifice of turtles, crabs, sea slugs and other sea life. By Kim Murphy, Los Angeles TimesJune 17, 2010 Reporting from the Gulf of Mexico — Here on the open ocean, 12 miles from ground zero of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, the gulf […]

Swarms of venomous jellyfish move toward British waters

Published: 10:15AM BST 07 Apr 2010 The lethal mauve stingers – Pelagia noctiluca in Latin – are tiny but can cover hundreds of thousands of square miles in one “bloom”. They are normally found in the Mediterranean and Caribbean. But billions of them are swarming far more frequently into waters in the north east Atlantic […]

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