Asian firefly populations drop 70 percent in three years

By Linda Lombardi, Associated Press In parts of the world where firefly populations have been monitored for a long time, such as Japan, their numbers are down. And scientists think the same might be true in the United States. “You hear people saying, growing up I saw fireflies all the time, now I don’t see […]

British orchard losses 'threaten species'

Traditional fruit orchards are vanishing from England’s landscape – with serious consequences for wildlife, conservationists have warned. The National Trust says 60% have disappeared since the 1950s, putting local varieties of apples, cherries, pears, plums and damsons under threat. It is launching a £536,000 drive to reverse the decline of the orchards. Their trees provide […]

Crane fly decline drives UK bird decline

Warm summers are dramatically reducing populations of daddy long legs, which in turn is having a severe impact on the bird populations which rely on them for food. New research by a team of bird experts, including Newcastle University’s Dr Mark Whittingham, spells out for the first time how climate change may affect upland bird […]

Chernobyl 'shows insect decline'

Scientists find the signal of a decline in the numbers of insects in Chernobyl’s exclusion zone, 20 years after the nuclear accident.   Two decades after the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, radiation is still causing a reduction in the numbers of insects and spiders. According to researchers working in the exclusion zone […]

Blogger writes about bee Colony Collapse Disorder in his backyard

Danny Jensen, a blogger at Takepart, blogged about what seems to be a bee colony collapse that happened right in his backyard. He has posted many photos and a video showing dead bees everywhere. Read on for more details on colony collapse disorder. … Blogger Writes About Bee Colony Collapse Disorder in his Backyard Technorati […]

Plight of the humble bee

Native British bees are dying out — and with them will go flora, fauna and one-third of our diet. We may have less than a decade to save them and avert catastrophe. So why is nothing being done? Richard Girling Midwinter. In a garden not far from the sea in Plymouth, there is a splash […]

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