Graph of the Day: Date of Freeze-up for Wales/Bering Strait, 1979-2007

Date of freeze-up (day of year) for Wales/Bering Strait from passive microwave satellite data (Kapsch and Eicken, unpublished data). The time series shows a delay in onset of freeze-up (statistically significant at the 95% level) parallel to the substantial changes in summer minimum ice extent observed over the same time period. State of the Arctic […]

New report confirms Arctic melt accelerating, estimates up to 1.6 meter sea-level rise

By KARL RITTER, Associated Press3 May 2011 STOCKHOLM – Arctic ice is melting faster than expected and could raise the average global sea level by as much as five feet this century, an authoritative new report suggests. The study by the international Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program, or AMAP, is one of the most comprehensive […]

River Thames source dries up

April 27 (SWNS) — The source of the River Thames has dried up after the UK experienced the lowest recorded rainfall in March since 1929. The Thames head spring in Trewsbury Mead near Cirencester, Glos., has stopped flowing after the driest March in more than 80 years. It was fed from deep underground and joins […]

Graph of the Day: Height of Violent Storms Over Eastern U.S., 28 April 2011

Contact: Rob GutroRobert.j.gutro@nasa.gov443-858-1779NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center28-Apr-2011 The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission or TRMM satellite again flew over severe thunderstorms that were spawning tornadoes over the eastern United States on April 28 and detected massive thunderstorms and very heavy rainfall. TRMM, a satellite managed by both NASA and the Japanese Space Agency, captured the rainfall rates […]

Most villagers in Nepal say the climate is changing

PARIS, April 26 (AFP) — Himalayan villagers have won the backing of climate science for their suspicions that snow cover, water resources and the ecosystem are changing in their region, a study published Wednesday said. The authors of the research carried out by Britain’s Royal Society say this is the first time that subjective perceptions […]

Rising food prices caused by extreme weather threaten to push over 60 million Asians back into poverty

By Jeremy Hance, www.mongabay.com27 April 2011 The Asian Development Bank has warned that high food prices on the continent could push 64 million people in developing countries into extreme poverty, reports the AFP. On average food prices are up 10% since the beginning of the year with staple prices significantly higher than last year. For […]

Rising seas ‘the most terrifying of all climate change impacts’

By Alister Doyle, Environment Correspondent; Editing by Janet Lawrence27 April 2011 OSLO (Reuters) – Sea level rise is the “most terrifying” impact of climate change and rich countries are showing scant leadership in addressing the threats, the incoming chair of a U.N. alliance of small island states said on Tuesday. Marlene Moses, the U.N. ambassador […]

El Salvador is ‘already’ facing wild weather – Climate change ‘number one issue’

By Dahr Jamil 02 Mar 2011 San Salvador – “We have a very clear position,” El Salvador’s Minister of Environment, Herman Chavez, told Al Jazeera at his office in San Salvador, the capital. “The President of El Salvador, last year on July 20th, in an extraordinary meeting of presidents that was convened here in San […]

U.S. releases report highlighting impacts of climate change to Western water resources

Contact: Kendra Barkoff (DOI) (202) 208-6416Dan DuBray (Reclamation) (202) 513-057425 April 2011 WASHINGTON, D.C. – Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar today released a report that assesses climate change risks and how these risks could impact water operations, hydropower, flood control, and fish and wildlife in the western United States. The report to Congress, prepared […]

2011 sets U.S. record for most acreage burned in April

By Jeff Masters26 April 2011 According to the Interagency Fire Center, wildfires in 2011 have already burned nearly 2.3 million acres in the U.S. This is the greatest acreage on record so early in the year, and is more area than burned all of last year. The largest U.S. acreage to burn since 1960 was […]

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