Arizona drought could continue indefinitely – No relief in sight with dry winter forecast

By Catherine Holland; Weather forecast by Meteorologist Royal Norman26 September 2011 PHOENIX – It’s been a dry summer and it looks like it’s going to be a dry winter. That does not bode well for Arizona’s drought conditions, which have been an issue since 1999. As Javier Soto reports, the return of the La Niña […]

Bangkok races to thwart approaching floods

BANGKOK (AP) – The Thai capital needs 1.2 million sandbags to construct a 3.7-mile wall within 48 hours to keep encroaching floods from swamping into the city, Bangkok’s governor said Monday night. “Every second counts,” said Sukhumbhand Paribatra, whose call for city residents not to let down their guard posed a contrast to government statements […]

Climate change threatens Ghana’s food security

By Masahudu Ankiilu Kunateh, Ghanaian Chronicle10 October 2011 An increased body of evidence shows that climatic variability is  adversely affecting Ghana’s natural resources such as land, water, forests, and vegetation, as well as human capital. Climate change is, therefore, expected to have significant impact on key resource-dependent sectors, such as agriculture and food production, and […]

Killing Mother: Life is good, and it goes on …

Here’s a lovely essay on doom from killing Mother, via Gail. The whole thing is worth a read and makes a nice bookend with Gail’s recent post, “Coping With Our Demise”. […] Being the scientist and avid student of human behavior that I am, in reality, sadly, I do not hold out much hope for […]

Al Gore: Recent weather proves climate crisis

BY TINA LAM, DETROIT FREE PRESS STAFF WRITER14 October 2011  Reacting to a cool-off in concern over global warming, former Vice President and Nobel Peace Prize winner Al Gore was unbowed and unrepentant in blaming recent storms, droughts and wildfires on climate change. Gore, speaking Thursday in Detroit, reeled off statistics about huge downpours in […]

Norwegian Polar Institute: The Arctic Sea may be free of ice in ten years

October 15 (NRK/Press release) – The melting of the Arctic sea ice is progressing much faster and more dramatically than earlier estimated, according to new research by the Norwegian Polar Institute (NPI). This means that the Arctic Sea could be free of ice in the summer in ten years time, rather than the 50 to […]

Global warming: The high cost of inaction

By Jim Bouldin14 October 2011 In 2004 Stephen Pacala and Robert Socolow published a paper in Science in which they argued that a pragmatic, but still difficult, way of stabilizing atmospheric CO2 levels over the long term was via the implementation of seven “stabilization wedges” over the next 50 years. The idea was very simple: […]

Texans face billions in water works bills as drought saps economy

By David Mildenberg and Whitney McFerron 13 October 2011 Allan Ritter pushed a bill to make 25 million Texans pay an extra $3.25 a year to help provide water for decades. Then, with a record drought devastating farms and ranches, the state representative’s party leaders waded in. “We couldn’t get the votes,” said the Republican […]

Terrestrial biodiversity recovered faster after Permo-Triassic extinction than previously believed

Media Contact: Todd McLeish, 401-874-7892 11 October 2011 KINGSTON, R.I. – While the cause of the mass extinction that occurred between the Permian and Triassic periods is still uncertain, two University of Rhode Island researchers collected data that show that terrestrial biodiversity recovered much faster than previously thought, potentially contradicting several theories for the cause […]

Texas drought hampering wildlife reproduction, ‘killing deer like flies’

BY RAMIT PLUSHNICK-MASTI, ASSOCIATED PRESS13 October 2011 HOUSTON — In a 30-mile area of the Texas Panhandle, biologists found 76 white-tailed deer — but zero babies. Not far away, they located only three quail on a stretch of road where they would see 15 in a normal year. In South Texas, a biologist reports a […]

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